Rajat Ranjan
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Data Scientist TheMathCompany
Recent badges
Amateur Badge
algorithms - Algorithms - 2 Stars badge
basic programming - Basic Programming - 1 Star badge
Python language Badge
Connected Accounts
Amateur Badge
Contest ratings
Problem solved
Solutions submitted
Practice badges
Basic Programming - Basic Programming - 1 Star Badge
Basic Programming
99986 80
Algorithms - Algorithms - 2 Stars Badge
48245 120
+1 more badges
30 Points
Badges earned
Python language Badge
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) , Computer Science
2012 - 2016
Dav hehal
Intermediate Degree , PCM
2010 - 2012
Bachelor of Technology (BTech) , Computer Science
Work experience
Data Scientist
TheMathCompany , Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Sep 2021 - Present - (3 years and 7 months)
Senior Systems Engineer
Edge Verve , Pune, Maharashtra, India
Jan 2019 - Present - (6 years and 3 months)
Systems Engineer
Edge Verve , Pune, Maharashtra, India
Nov 2016 - Dec 2018 - (2 years and 2 months)
Systems Engineer Trainee
Jun 2016 - Nov 2016 - (6 months)
Sentiment Analyzer API
Apr 2018 - Present - (7 years and 0 months)
My Resume Website, built on Angular, Nodejs. It calls an API which holds Machine Learning Sentiment Analyzer built on Flask.


Machine Learning
Data Science
CRISIL Machine Learning Hiring Challenge'19
CRISIL and Hackerearth
Aug, 2019
PDF Text Extraction 1st Rank Solution: https://github.com/rajat5ranjan/CRISIL-Machine-Learning-Hiring-Challenge-19
Brainwaves 2019 Hackathon - Machine Learning
Societe Generale
Mar, 2019
Online Hackathon : 8th rank Offline Hackathon : 3rd Rank for more details visit https://github.com/rajat5ranjan/Brainwaves-2019-Machine-Learning
Innominds - Machine Learning Hackathon
Techgig- Innominds
Sep, 2018
Develop An Application That Suggests Best Solution To A Question Based On Past Behavior & Available Solutions(A chatbot using tensorflow seq2seq model) Top 10 Winners - Goes by the TEAM "ALTERED CARBON" https://www.techgig.com/hackathon/ml_hackathon
Innoplexus Hiring Hackathon - Analytics Vidhya
Analytics Vidya
Aug, 2018
In this Hackathon, the given link of a web page was provided with its HTML data intact along with its WebPage ID. Through NLP we need to find the category in which the Webpage ID belonged. Analytics Vidhya Platform Public LB : 22nd Rank Private LB : 19th Rank https://github.com/rajat5ranjan/Innoplexus-Hiring-Hackathon
Affine Analytics ML Challenge - Hackerearth
Jul, 2018
Recommender Systems Collaborative/Hybrid Filtering: To develop a targeting strategy to market the right properties to the right customers accounts. (Leaderboard Ranking - 12th)
Machine Learning Code Gladiators 2018 - Credit Suisse
Techgig- Code Gladiators
Jun, 2018
Runner Up in Code Gladiators 2018 - Machine Learning Contest by Credit Suisse via Techgig
Yes Bank Datathon
Yes Bank
Dec, 2018
Top 21 Finalist in Yes Bank Datathon (Team : Altered_Carbon) http://yesfintech.com/Datathon/#Top50Teams https://github.com/rajat5ranjan/Yes-Bank-Datathon