How can mathematics make you a better recruiter!
Hiring the right talent is crucial to any organization’s growth and success. “By implementing recruiting best practices and supporting technology, you can potentially…
Minimax Algorithm with Alpha-beta pruning
Ever since the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), game playing has been one of the most interesting applications of AI. The first chess…
6 AI-based apps making smartphones smarter
Kids from the 80’s and 90’s would recall that there were Floppies for data storage with a capacity varying from 90 KB to…
A beginner’s tutorial on the apriori algorithm in data mining with R implementation
Introduction Short stories or tales always help us in understanding a concept better but this is a true story, Wal-Mart’s beer diaper parable….
3 Types of Gradient Descent Algorithms for Small & Large Data Sets
Introduction Gradient Descent Algorithm is an iterative algorithm to find a Global Minimum of an objective function (cost function) J(?). The categorization of GD…
7 Artificial Intelligence-based movie characters that are now a reality
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of how to get machines to do the things they do in the movies.”- Astro Teller Do…
Simple Tutorial on SVM and Parameter Tuning in Python and R
Introduction Data classification is a very important task in machine learning. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are widely applied in the field of pattern classifications…
Introduction to Naive Bayes Classification Algorithm in Python and R
Naive Bayes is a machine learning algorithm for classification problems. It is based on Bayes’ probability theorem. It is primarily used for text…
Top 17 Competitive Data Scientists From India on Kaggle
“Data Scientist: Sexiest Job of the 21st century”- Harvard Business Review, 2012 Talking of more recent times, Glassdoor also named it the “best…
Explaining The Basics of Machine Learning, Algorithms and Applications
“Data is abundant and cheap but knowledge is scarce and expensive.” In last few years, the sources of data capturing have evolved overwhelmingly….
7 Powerful Programming Languages For Doing Machine Learning
Introduction There exists a world for Machine Learning beyond R and Python! Machine Learning is a product of statistics, mathematics, and computer science….
5 Free Python IDE for Machine Learning
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) An integrated development environment is an application which provides programmers and developers with basic tools to write and test software….
Descriptive statistics with Python-NumPy
Is it gonna rain today? Should I take my umbrella to the office or not? To know the answer to such questions we…
Machine Learning and Auto-Evaluation
Machine Learning In very simple terms, Machine Learning is about training or teaching computers to take decisions or actions without explicitly programming them….
Gradient descent algorithm for linear regression
You are probably using machine learning a number of times in a day without even noticing. For instance, whenever you check your mail…
Principal component analysis with linear algebra
Principal component analysis, or PCA, is a powerful tool which is used to analyze data sets and is formulated in the language of…
Prerequisites of linear algebra for machine learning
Just about everyone has watched animated movies such as Frozen or Big Hero 6 or has at least heard about 3D computer games….