Celebrating 10 years of Django!

Django started life a decade ago in Lawrence, Kansas, and the Python framework is now widely used in some of the biggest products all over the world like Instagram, Disqus, Pinterest etc.
HackerEarth too started its humble beginning with Django framework 3 years ago, and we are proud to say that we have built an amazing product on Django that today serves millions of requests and hundreds of thousands of users.
Django has been critical in enabling us to build a product that is loved by tons of people all over the world. Completion of 10 years of Django is an important milestone for every Python/Django developer. At HackerEarth, we too want to celebrate this and contribute to the Django community. In this spirit, we are organizing India’s first ever Django hackathon. The focus of the hackathon is firmly on the community that has helped this framework grow. We are inviting passionate Python/Django developers to take part in this hackathon and contribute towards Django by building new packages and hacking on its core modules.
It will be a 24 hour hackathon, where some of the best Django developers in India will hack on their creative ideas, in an energetic environment with delicious food, Table Tennis and Foosball (in case you love to play), and of course, cool prizes to be won!
It is an offline hackathon that will be conducted at HackerEarth Office, Bangalore on 22nd August 2015 starting at 12:00 noon and ending at 12:00 noon on 23rd August 2015.
If you are excited to know more visit this link: https://www.hackerearth.com/djangothon/
We’re proud to be hosting this hackathon, and would like to take this opportunity to say a big ‘Happy Birthday Django!’.
So, what are you waiting for? Now is your time to request an invite and contribute towards Django community.
Visit Djangothon to confirm your seat at the hackathon.

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