Tech Recruitment

How Engineering Managers Can Help Recruiters Improve Developer Hiring

I need no help with increasing my talent pipeline, said no recruiter ever.  Hiring managers have an important role to…

3 years ago

How to ensure your tech talent pool is poaching proof

A recruiter reached out to me with this message a few months ago- The highlighted part in the mail is…

6 years ago

5 reasons you should use tech recruitment software

When used effectively, talent assessment tools can have a major impact on key performance indicators (KPIs),  such as cost-to-and time…

6 years ago

How to Hire Developers for a Startup? – Strategies for Startups

This article has been updated on February 20th, 2023. To hire a software developer and a talented one at that…

6 years ago

How to assess a Java developer skills while hiring

Java has continued to be a major force in enabling these technologies within these enterprises. The problem arises when you…

8 years ago