Accenture Blockchain Hackathon

1670 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
1670 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Jul 06, 2018, 06:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 05, 2018, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Aug 25, 2018, 05:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 26, 2018, 02:11 AM UTC (UTC)



Please read the Terms and Conditions mentioned below. They are very important.

Terms and Conditions

“Accenture Blockchain Hackathon” (the “Contest”) is organized and conducted by Hacker Earth (“Organizer”) on behalf of Accenture Solutions Private Limited (“Accenture”), and shall be open for submissions from 5th July 2018 to 5th August 2018 (both days inclusive) ("Entry Period"). The next level of the Contest will be an offline event in Bangalore in August.

Receipt of Entries and Eligibility

i) Entry will be invited through an online entry/ registration form as available on Accenture’s Authorized vendor tool/ portal leading visitors to During the Entry Period, the participants need to complete the online entry form and submit it along with the original idea/s related to Blockchain.

ii) The Contest is open to persons who are 18 (eighteen) years of age or older having a permanent address in India, who otherwise meet all eligibility requirements in these Contest Rules. The participants can be either (a) an individual; or (b) teams of up to 5 (Five) (a "Team") provided that each member of the Team meets these eligibility criteria. Each Team formed is encouraged to comprise of individuals with the below skill-sets:

  • UI Developer (HTML/CSS/Angular/other Front-end technologies)
  • Offchain Developer (NodeJS or similar technologies)
  • Blockchain Developer (GOLANG/Solidity/JAVA/etc – depends on the Blockchain platform that they select)

iii) Accenture employees are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

iv) The submissions for the Contest shall be invited from 8 themes - Blockchain for Social Initiatives, Blockchain for Identity Management, Blockchain for Know-Your-Customer, Blockchain for Tracking lineage of products, Blockchain for Asset Trading, Blockchain for Crowdsourcing, Blockchain for Digital Rights management, Blockchain for Smart Wallets, as specified on the Contest Website (“Themes”). The participant shall be entitled to participate in all the Themes. All Idea/materials presented must be original work, the ownership and all intellectual property rights in the same must belong to the participant.

v) The participating teams must select one theme from the provided list and submit their entry. Each theme will be allowed to have limited entries. Once the limit is exceeded, that theme will be marked as Oversubscribed. Teams cannot select an Oversubscribed theme.

vi) Submissions will be accepted in English language only and the submissions should be through the online form provided on the Contest Website. It is mandatory to download the submission template provided on the Contest Website, fill it in and upload it during the idea submission.

vii) There is a user guide available on the Contest website to guide participants on team formation and idea submissions

viii) Any incomplete/inaccurate entries or entries received after the Entry Period shall be invalid and any entry after the close of Entry Period may be permitted only at the discretion of Organizer.

ix) The right to permit or restrict participation is at the sole discretion of the Organizer.

Incorrect Information

i) Organizer has the right to substantiate/audit/verify the participants’ details/information as provided in the entry form or Organizer may seek any further document, as may be required to verify the participants’ details/ information. The participant must provide all supporting details requested by the Organizer to substantiate/audit/verify the information provided in the entry form. If such a request is made and the participant either fails or does not agree to provide the same, then the Organizer reserves the right to disqualify the participant from participation for the Contest.

ii) Determination of whether information is correct or not, rests with Organizer.

iii) If at any time, any information provided by any participant is found to be incorrect in any manner, then the participant will be disqualified for the participation for the Contest.

iv) If, after the conclusion of the Contest ceremony, any information provided by any participant is found to be incorrect in any manner, the participant will be liable to return any monetary / non-monetary incentives provided as part of the Contest.

Evaluation round (online challenge)

i) The submissions received in the online round will be screened by the Organizer and scored by a panel of experts on the basis of originality of the idea, technical efficiency, architecture and user experience, and also on the basis of alignment to the Themes provided for the contest.

ii) Organizer will use a third-party platform to conduct the online Contest and Accenture will not be responsible for the content, service and access lapses, technical glitches, or any other issues associated with this third-party platform


i) The Organizer will shortlist top teams from the online round and invite them to an offline event that will be held in Bangalore. The teams will also be asked to start working on their prototypes during the period between August 9th and August 24th.

ii) The Organizer and Accenture will provide all invited teams with advice and mentorship, on developing prototypes based on their ideas

iii) The decision of the above short-listing is binding and final on all participants.

iv) In the event no entries in a particular or all Themes meet the eligibility criteria for the Contest, the Theme/s could be cancelled at the discretion of the initial jury or Organizer and the decision shall be binding on all participants.

v) The shortlisted teams will be invited to an offline event in Bangalore on 25th-26th August, 2018. The exact date and the venue shall be intimated to the participants via email that was submitted for the participation for the Contest.

Winner and Determination of Winners

i) At the offline event, there will be experts from Accenture and also the Organizer who will help the teams fine-tune their prototypes as well as package the solution for the presentations

ii) There will be Accenture recruiters present at the offline event who will interact with individuals interested in exploring career opportunities with Accenture. If there is a match between the individual’s credentials and open positions in Accenture, the recruiters will consider these candidates for recruitment

iii) There will be ample opportunities provided to participants for networking with Accenture leadership and other experts

iv) The Organizer will identify a Grand Prize Winner, Winner of ‘Best Architecture’, Winner of ‘Best User Experience’, Winner of ‘Best Technical Efficiency’ from among the teams invited for the offline round

v) The panel of Jury members, which will comprise of Accenture leads and SMEs, will score and/or rank each nominee based on pre-defined evaluation criteria. The final evaluation and winner determination might take longer and therefore the winner announcement and prize distribution might be done a few days after the offline round. The Jury reserves the right to enter a wild card nomination under any of the Themes at its discretion.

vi) The finalists and/or winners may get coverage on social media or traditional media channels as part of the promotional activities done by the Organizer/Accenture.


i) Grand Prize – Gift vouchers worth INR 2,00,000
ii) Best Architecture – Gift vouchers worth INR 50,000
iii) Best User Experience – Gift vouchers worth INR 50,000

iv) The Prize shall not be transferable/ redeemable for cash. No request shall be entertained by Organizer in this behalf.

v) Any statutory taxes, duties or levies as may be applicable from time to time, arising out/ in respect of such Prize, shall be payable by the winner of the respective Prize.

vi) Organizer shall not be liable for any loss, damage, theft, or any other mishap caused to the Prize after handing over the same to the winners of the Contest.

vii) The Winner/s or his/her legal heirs shall have no other rights or claims whatsoever against Organizer.

viii) In case the winners fail to claim the prize/incentives offered by Organizer as a result of this Contest, within 15 days of announcement of the winners due to any reason whatsoever, the Organizer reserves the right to withdraw the prize or the incentive, post which the winner will have no right to claim or demand the prize or the incentive from the Organizer and no further communication will be entertained in the regard.

Ownership and intellectual property in the submission

i) Participant(s) hereby represent and warrant that that the Entry: (a) is their own original work with no other person or entity having any right or interest in it; (b) does not infringe the intellectual property right or any other rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, contracts and/or privacy rights of any third party.

ii) Participant(s) may use open source software provided such usage complies to the respective open source software license terms.

iii) Participant(s) hereby assign and transfer and agree to assign and transfer to Accenture all rights, title and interests in and to his/ her/ their submission (idea and the final prototype) and Accenture shall have a right to use the submission in any desired way, including right to obtain intellectual property protection without any further compensation during and after the Contest.

iv) The Participant(s) retains no rights in their submission after the Contest, including, but not limited to, the right to personal, noncommercial use.

v) Participant(s) agree in so far as it is permitted by law to waive all moral rights in the Submission including the right of attribution of authorship.

vi) Participant(s) agrees that nothing in the Terms and Conditions herein grants the Participant(s) a right or license to use the name, trademark or service mark of the Organizer or Accenture.


i) Participant’s personal information information submitted at the time of entry form / registration for the Contest will be on gathered on Organizer’s global and secure systems. The information will be used in accordance with applicable data privacy law and Accenture's Data Privacy Policy at By providing the information asked herein you acknowledge and agree that you have read Accenture’s privacy policy and fully understand your rights to access, correct, make any inquiries in relation to the use of personal information and withdraw your information anytime by sending a request to Akhil Saraf If you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal please note that Accenture may not be able to contact you in the future.

ii) The participant grants to Organizers and its affiliates, the right and permission to reproduce, encode, store, copy, transmit, publish, broadcast, display, publicly perform, exhibit and/or otherwise use or reuse (without limitation as to when or to the number of times used), the participant’s name, address, image, voice, likeness, statements, biographical material and Idea/s (in each case, as submitted or as edited by Organizer, in Organizer’s sole discretion), as well as any additional photographic images, video images, portraits, interviews or other materials relating to the participant and arising out of his/her participation in this Contest (with or without using the participant’s name) (collectively, the "additional materials") in any media( including social media) throughout the world for advertising and publicity purposes without additional review, compensation, or approval.

iii) The participant waives any rights of publicity, rights of privacy, intellectual property rights, and any other legal or moral rights that might preclude the Organizers' use of the Idea/s or the additional materials or require the participant's permission for Organizers' to use them for promotional purposes, and hereby waives any claim against the Organizers' relating to the Organizers' promotional use of those materials; and

iv) The participant agrees to indemnify and hold the Organizers and their respective affiliate companies, directors, employees, agents and partners (“Organizers associates”) harmless from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against any of the Organizers' associates due to or arising out of the use of Idea/s or additional materials and/or in connection with participation in or winning the Contest.

v) The participant agrees that the Themes of the contest is general in nature and the Organizer have the right to develop, use, market, license and/or sell products or services, developed without reference to or use of entries, that are similar or related to the Categories. Participants acknowledge that the Organizer may already possess or have developed products or services similar to or competitive with those ideas submitted through the entries.

vi) Organizer will not be liable for any inaccuracy, error or omission contained in any such copy, reproduction or publication of the entry form, the Idea/s or other materials submitted.

vii) The Rules are to be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India. All disputes relating to or arising out of the Contest shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of competent jurisdiction at Bangalore, India.

viii) If any manipulation (for example, any internet spamming or unsolicited emails, or any other conduct which Organizer believes is unfair or contrary to the spirit of the Contest) has occurred or if the Organizer considers there has been any attempt to rig the selection procedure, Organizer reserves the right to disqualify entries if it has reasonable grounds to believe so and reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend this Contest at any time.

ix) The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage that any person or organization may suffer as a result of participating or attempting to participate in the Contest, the Contest being withdrawn or its terms amended.

x) The Organizer cannot and shall not be accountable / liable for any disruptions / stoppages / interruptions or cancellation of the Contest. The Organizer and its contractors cannot be held responsible for matters out of its control and for force majeure reasons.

xi) Decision of Organizer on all matters is final and binding on all participants and no correspondence will be entertained on the same.

Organizer reserves the right to alter the Rules of this Contest or terminate the Contest at its own discretion and without prior notice to the participant and without incurring any liability whatsoever.

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