BrickHack II

216 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
216 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Mar 05, 2016, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 31, 2016, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)



Gregory Koberger

Gregory Koberger is the founder of ReadMe, which helps startups create beautiful developer documentation. He graduated from RIT with degrees in IT and CS in 2010, and since then has lived in San Francisco.

Zach Latta

Zach Latta is the founder and Executive Director of Hack Club, a nonprofit that brings coding clubs to high schools worldwide. Before Hack Club, he built the backend architecture for Yo – an app with more than 3 million users. Over 4 million people use code Zach has written.

Vince Cali

After more than a decade of working with technology in various forms, Vince Cali has evolved into a keen security researcher. He believes it a right to have a root shell on all the devices he owns. His favorite architecture is ARMv8-A, solder alloy of choice is Sn95.5Ag3.9Cu0.6, and preferred protocol is JTAG.

Vince contributes much of his free time to hacker communities as an officer of Interlock Rochester, a conference organizer, CTF contributor, and question answerer. He writes about assorted projects at Vince can be found on Twitter as @0x56 or on Freenode IRC as x56.

Eric Willis

Head of Flickr Frontend Engineering with years of startup experience, both failed and successful.

Jeremy Ruppel

Senior software engineer with extensive experience in all aspects of the web stack, from design to production, from architecture to scaling. Passionate about emerging technologies, best practices, and being a part of the open source community.

Brandon Littell

Brandon is a Software Engineer at Microsoft on the Windows team. He's responsible for building features that utilize the Surface Pen across Windows. A graduate from the Class of December 2014 from RIT (B.S. in Game Design and Development), he is also a founding member of BrickHack organizer CodeRIT. In his spare time Brandon likes to hike around Washington state, learn about photography, discover new music, and taste craft beer.

Daniel Jost

Daniel has always been interested in how things work. He got started modding games and building websites, and helped to create codeRIT and BrickHack during his time at RIT. He also grew to love open source and was one of the first people to earn a minor in Free and Open Source Software & Free Culture. Now he works at Microsoft developing large-scale web applications.

Kristen Curtze

Kristen Curtze is a RIT alum and a Senior Web Developer here in Rochester. She co-founded and leads the Rochester chapter of Girl Develop It, which is a nonprofit organization providing affordable programs for adult women interested in learning web and software development. Kristen freelances and volunteers for various local organizations and is passionate about the Rochester community.

Matt Lake

Matt is a Sr. Academic Advisor in the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. He advises students in the Web and Mobile Computing (formerly Information Technology) program, as well as students in minoring in Mobile Development and Web Development. Having no technical experience himself, he’s interested in projects that have a high degree of usability, accessibility, and intuitive design.

Stefan Aleksic

Current RIT student. 2014 MLH + Thiel Fellowship Rookie of the Year. Hacker extraordinaire.

Jennifer DeWitte

Jennifer DeWitte has sixteen years of experience in education, teaching Technology Education to grades K-12 in surrounding Rochester, NY area schools. Jennifer has also worked in the business sector as a Training Manager. During that time she developed curriculum and training materials as well as led instructional training teams for the integration of technology within pharmaceutical companies. She is currently the Center Director and Program Coordinator for a STEM enrichment program called iCanCode, located in Brighton. Jennifer shares a passion for technology-integration in education with teachers and in her classroom. Jennifer graduated from the State University of New York at Oswego with a degree in Technology Education and continued to earn an M.Ed. for Educational Administration. She also holds an Advanced Certificate of Study for School Business Leader and School District Leader Certifications within New York State.

Mike Nolan

Mozillian and creator of Popcorn Editor javascript library. Civic Hacker and FOSS advocate.

Susan Heilman

I'm a 5th year Computing Security student graduating in May with a dual bachelor's and master's degree. As a committee head for Women in Computing, my role was to lead the planning and organization for WiCHacks - an all female hackathon that provides a supportive environment while encouraging women to pursue computing. I love all things nerdy humor (especially security or networking related puns) and trying new recipes. When I get the chance to go outside, hiking is my thing. I love nature.

Lana Verschage

Lana began working at RIT almost 20 years ago and is currently the director of Women in Computing. She is dedicated to motivating and inspiring young women to consider computing as a profession and also to recruit and retain women students for the Golisano College of Computing at RIT. Before working with women in computing, she was a senior academic advisor in the Software Engineering Department at RIT where she worked with students to start the Society of Software Engineers.

Stephen Jacobs

Stephen Jacobs became involved in the Open Source community when he had his students make educational games for the One Laptop per Child/Sugar platform. His work there led to a collaboration with other professors to create the first academic minor in open source and free culture and an early stage effort at a FOSS games SIG for the IGDA. He is the head of the FOSS@MAGIC initiative.

Henry Saniuk

Henry is CTO of FriendlyU, a social network that connects high school students to college students as they're trying to figure out what school they would like to attend. Although his passion is in software development, his business acumen has grown along side his coding skills. Entrepreneurial even as a middle schooler, he has started and run several enterprises.

Jen Lamere

Jen Lamere is a 3rd year computer science major, who has interned at Spotify and Twitter, and will be interning at Microsoft this summer. She is interested in data mining, backend development, and Netflix.

Marcus Recck


Aydrian Howard


Mike DePaulo


Lucas Solomon
Amy Asman




Remy Decausemaker


Dana Wolcott

Simone Center for Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Stacey Mulcahy


Mary Baker


Pradeepkumar G
Submission Voting

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