Cloudera Applied Machine Learning Prototype Hackathon

154 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
154 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Oct 02, 2022, 02:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 24, 2022, 04:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Prototype Submission Phase
starts on:
Jan 02, 2023, 05:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 01, 2023, 04:59 AM UTC (UTC)



Do you love Machine Learning? Do you think your code is so sublime that it should serve as a template for the rest of the ML community? Do you like winning prizes?

If you answered yes to these questions, come join Cloudera’s Applied ML Prototype Hackathon where you will have free reign to create an ML project that may be integrated into Cloudera Machine Learning (CML) as an Applied ML Prototype.



Cloudera’s Applied Machine Learning Prototypes, (AMPs) are fully built end-to-end data science solutions that allow data scientists to go from an idea to a fully working machine learning in a fraction of the time. Accessible with a single click from Cloudera Machine learning or via public github repositories, AMPs provide an end-to-end framework for building, deploying and monitoring business-ready ML applications instantly.  

For this Hackathon, you are tasked with creating your own unique Applied ML Prototype. Your AMP should serve as an example to other data scientists for the best way to approach solving a business problem with ML methods. Using data from any public data set, your AMP should be a complete solution, with code to ingest data, wrangle that data, train and/or validate a model, and communicate the results of the model via an interactive web application. Some of our favorite data repositories that you could choose from are FiveThirtyEight,, and HuggingFace.

If you find yourself thinking that this hackathon sounds very open ended, then you are right! We want this to be your opportunity to showoff and be creative. However, if you want some more direction, browse the current AMP Catalog to see examples of what the Cloudera Fast Forward Labs team has built up to this point.


Some possible themes that you could choose are:

Sports & Entertainment

FiveThirtyEight has several highly curated data sets from various sporting leagues across the world. Choose from NBA, NHL, MLB, European Club Soccer, and NFL data sets to create a unique and exciting ML project. This is your chance to get paid for whatever sports passion (or other entertainment passtime such as music, arts, or theater) occupies your free time.


The environment affects all of us, no matter who we are or where we live, and the world around us provides a multitude of datasets to build interesting ML projects. You could create a forest fire prediction system based on weather data and past forest fire events, or a flooding or drought prediction system.

Business & Economy

Where is bitcoin heading in the near and short term? Are there counties in the US housing market that are posed to be more resistant to an economic downturn? Speaking of economic downturns, what is the likelihood that the job market continues to stay strong and for how long? There are mounds of open economic data sets that you could dig into.


From issues such as homelessness and equity to how we build and plan cities, to how popular culture shapes our world; this is your chance to dig deep into societal and urban topics that are important to you.

Open Innovation

These themes are only suggestions, if there is a project that you are passionate about that you think would result in a winning submission, then go for it. The world is your oyster.


This is a two-phase competition. Phase 1 is the ideation phase where you and your team identify a problem to solve, ensure the data exists to solve that problem and create a pitch for your AMP. Winners of phase 1 will be invited to participate in phase 2, which is the submission phase where the actual development of the AMP using Cloudera Machine Learning is completed.

Main Prizes
1st Prize
USD 6,000
2nd Prize
USD 3,000
3rd Prize
USD 1,000

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