142 Registered Allowed team size: 1
142 Registered Allowed team size: 1

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Oct 15, 2021, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 24, 2021, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)

Submission Format

You need to submit a zip file that will contain:

  • A folder named Test cases containing input and output test files.
  • A pdf with your problem statement.
  • A cpp file named main.cpp containing the C++ solution without any errors. If you are using any other language then a text file named main.txt should be included.

Sample Submission

Problem Statement pdf should contain:

A problem statement describing the question that a candidate is required to solve. It is divided into two sections:

  1. Statement
  2. Task

An example that is based on the problem statement. This must be an easy-to-understand example and different from the sample test case. This section should have the following:

  1. Assumptions: This heading contains all the assumptions and variables which you take in the example.
  2. Approach: This heading contains a line-by-line approach to the problem with the help of the example.

The function name that takes the required number of parameters and the output parameter of the function. This section should contain:

  1. Parameter 1: Name and significance of the first parameter.
  2. Parameter n: Name and significance of nth parameter.
  3. Return Parameter: Name and significance of return parameter of the function.

Input format that you must use to provide custom input (available above the Compile and Test button). This section should have:

  1. Input Line 1
  2. Input Line n

Specify the data type of the output that is expected. For example, print an integer that represents the sum of N numbers.

Constraints, this section should contain:

  1. Constraint 1
  2. Constraint n


  • All the variable names and formulas must be in italic format only. In some cases, the use of LaTex is acceptable. For example, if you want to display the power of a variable (a^2), you can use LaTex.
  • All the constraints must be in LaTex.
  • Difficulty Level of the Question should be hard, i.e. it should take around 45 to 60 minutes to solve.
  • Topic must be Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms. Avoid maths heavy questions like
  • Problem idea should be unique. No big stories, the statement should be concise and clear. Problems should not be based on a standard idea/concept, entries with plagiarized problems will be disqualified.

Test Cases folder must contain 12 to 15 test cases with input and output. It should consist of:

  • 7 Optimal Test Cases

  • 5 Non-Optimal Test Cases

  • Remaining must be Corner Cases

Main.cpp/Main.txt should contain solution in C++ or in any other language and must pass all the test cases.


  • Questions that are similar to questions on the Internet
  • Math heavy questions, Prime Number Theory, Fermat Little Theorem, Euclidean Algo, etc.
  • Advanced data structures like the Fenwick tree.
  • Advanced string algorithms like KMP-algo, Z-algo, etc.

You can find the sample submission here:Sample Submission

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