Connecting our Community Through Technology

576 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
576 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

Ideation Phase
starts on:
Dec 26, 2020, 02:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 19, 2021, 07:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Project Building Phase
starts on:
Jan 23, 2021, 06:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 16, 2021, 02:00 AM UTC (UTC)



For both now and the future, companies must prepare for a new kind of culture and engagement model. Now is the time for a reset—to both the business strategy and an evolving workforce culture.

We want to develop smart technologies to solve problems and innovate ways of doing business in the City of Maple Ridge. Let’s look at innovative ways’ technology can best serve our community.

The City of Maple Ridge boasts amazing citizens who are engaged in their community in all fields. From amateur sports to the visual and performing arts, environmental stewardship to community advocacy and charity – this is a place where you can find and pursue your passions in life.


Hackathon Timeline

The Hackathon will consist of 4 Phases and the focus will be on Connecting our Community through Technology.

  • Phase 1: Ideation – December 18 to January 18. Top ideas will be shortlisted by a panel of judges. These Semi-finalists will move to the next phase and develop their prototypes.
  • Phase 2: Prototype Phase - January 23 to February 21
  • Phase 3: Semi-Finalists will Present their prototypes at the 2021 ICF Smart21 Virtual Conference: From Surviving to Thriving using the ICF Method. Winners will be selected. – February 22-24
  • Phase 4: Implement selected prototypes


The key objective is to develop sample apps and cultivate ideas to drive app modernization and digital transformation. We would like our themes to fit with the ICF methodology, under both workforce and social/cultural inclusion; and align with the ICF overall theme ‘surviving to thriving’ – as well as to align with one or more of our Council strategic priorities.

Cultural and Social Inclusion is defined by an ability to foster intercultural dialogue by building connections between newcomers and longer-term residents to strengthen relationships and communicate shared values.

Socio-Economic and Environment Welfare

Ensure that you use core principles of ICF methodology (Connect, Sustain, Include, Engage, Innovate, Works) - under both workforce and social/cultural inclusion, develop sample apps and cultivate ideas to drive app modernization and digital transformation to solve problems that have arisen due to COVID19 connect urban workers with farmers who need help with harvest, such as:

  • Link supplies of food with food banks and communities in need
  • Quickly answer questions about short-term work benefits
  • Match and connect people in search of employment
  • Rectify and match supply and demand of critical medical equipment
  • And sync people who are ill or isolated with loved ones and community
Food Security

Food security exists when all people have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

  • Propose solutions that may have production value so as to ensure that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
  • Initiate collaborative projects with engagement from academia, government, private sector business and civil society organizations who are working together to better understand the potential causes and outcomes of catastrophic food systems failures on people, ecosystems and economies.
Work-Life Balance

Cultural and Social Inclusion is defined by an ability to foster intercultural dialogue by building connections between newcomers and longer-term residents to strengthen relationships and communicate shared values.

  • Since most of us work remotely, we are expecting a communication app or software that can keep conversations organised and easy to follow, as opposed to sifting through long email chains that only some people read and even fewer respond to. It should also enable us to see how employees are utilizing their time, and empower them to solve problems faster.
  • The entire world has gone remote right now and virtual availability is the need of the hour. What can bring people together virtually, keeping social distancing in mind? Come up with ideas that can help working from home be fun and interesting, while maintaining productivity.
  • Align outcome with corporate innovation strategy of the organization
Education - Creating the Knowledge Workforce of the Future

As the worldwide shift to online learning, teachers are struggling to motivate disengaged students remotely. We are looking for innovative solutions to tackle these challenges and improve remote education experience.

Designing a new and innovative product can be a challenging process filled with uncertainties. From an educational perspective, you need to explore and keep at the forefront of what is happening in the world, search for unique opportunities and listen to the learner's needs until you discover a meaningful solution.

  • Design applications which would improve and lift up the educational sector of the nation and encourage people to learn new skills by developing applications on improving the skills rate.
  • Develop a distance learning applications or online educational tools for remote learning and allows users to real-time interaction and a “classroom-like” feel that can continue without disruption even in events like snow days, natural disasters or the COVID-19 pandemic, that force schools and universities to close down. Make features that are easy to engage in a virtual classroom allowing you to connect with a few simple clicks.
  • Propose and execute moonshot ideas to help learners of various universities and research institutes across the world to learn online.
  • Build a platform for virtual learning that can help inform people about current situations and suggest tips to follow on a real-time basis.
  • Enhance virtual meeting tools in an innovative way for work-life balance.


Additional Prizes will be added as and when donations come in! So please watch this space for the list of exciting prizes for grabs!

Main Prizes
First Prize
CAD 3000

Sponsored by Safe Software

Second Prize
CAD 2000

Sponsored by Telus and Rogers

The Rogers for Business prize package includes:

  • $1,000 Visa Gift Card
  • Mentorship with Rogers Technology team
  • Access to develop on Rogers network
  • Invitation to join the Rogers 5G-Create-On AWS Developer Program
Third Prize
CAD 1000

Sponsored by Esri Canada and CIRA

Special Prizes
Honorable Mention
  • Sponsored by
  • DTM Systems Corporation
  • Ricoh
  • Avatier

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