DHFL Fintech Challenge

1801 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
1801 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Jun 19, 2018, 08:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 05, 2018, 06:20 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Aug 20, 2018, 11:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 16, 2018, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)


Update: The finals will take place in January. We will reach out to all the shortlisted teams one week prior to the finals.

“DHFL Fintech Challenge”, invites the techies, developers, students and start-ups to come up with exciting, innovative, novel and viable solutions for the listed themes. It is a challenge designed to inspire the creative and dynamic minds and to put their skills to test, thereby identifying and rewarding the tech & non-tech wizards.

DHFL invites you to form teams, explore possibilities, and submit your “big idea” to our panel of judges. The judges will screen the ideas based on factors like innovation, creativity, impact and feasibility.

About DHFL

Over the last three decades, DHFL has been enabling home ownership dreams of the Lower and Middle Income (LMI) segment in the Tier 2 and 3 towns. Founded in 1984, DHFL is one of India’s leading housing finance companies with an extensive distribution network that provides financial accessibility to Indians. DHFL has been rated CARE AAA (Triple A) and assigned BWR AAA from Brickworks Rating. With strong business fundamentals and proven industry expertise, DHFL is a highly respected and trusted financial services company with a concerted focus towards enabling home ownership to the LMI customer segment in India.

DHFL understands that Technology is a defining enabler in today’s world, necessary to serve customers in a more efficient manner. Enhanced technological interventions and innovative financial products have been the core of DHFL’s business strengths. DHFL is expanding its technology landscape through advanced solutions as part of digital transformation program which comprises of technology enablers for business growth and operational efficiency with emphasis on IT security.

Hackathon Phases:

This Hackathon would be conducted in three phases:

Phase I - Idea and Approach Submission - Participants need to submit a presentation or any other document explaining the idea they would like to propose.

All idea submissions should cover the following points:

  • Problem Description: Proposed idea and it's features & importance
  • Is the proposed solution new or based on an existing solution/technology/app/tool?
  • All supporting materials are encouraged: Process Flows/screenshots/samples
  • Impact and Applicability: Describe the scope of the solution and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios

All the ideas will be screened based on above parameters and the qualified ones will participate in the Phase II

Phase II - Solution Implementation

Participants in this phase need to build a working prototype of the idea they have submitted, followed by a presentation.

Each team/participant will gain support from subject matter experts from DHFL as required for any queries.

Phase III - Finals

Participants will pitch their ideas and the working prototype to a panel of judges online. The judges will evaluate each solution and announce the winners.


Customer Retention

Home Loans are typically the longest relationship with any customer, however due to changing needs and market factors customers foreclose their loans accounts or shift to other banks. Customer retention is one of the prime focus areas for us wherein we want to retain customers from our loan books to the maximum possible tenure.

Your challenge is to identify and develop solutions using technological or non-technological methods to create an early warning system for customers who are likely to foreclose their loan accounts. You are required to design and develop an out of the box solution using evolving and innovative methods which can be implemented in the organization.


Regular payment of customer loan dues pay a very important attribute in financial industry. When the customers do not pay their loan dues in time there is lot of overhead which gets involved in the organization to ensure payment from the customer and ensuring that it does not turn into NPA. Hence, it is important to identify the pattern establishing a prediction for the customers who turn ‘bad’ in the future.

Your challenge is to identify and develop solutions for customers who are ‘good’ today and paying their EMI’s on time but may turn into ‘bad’ in future so that organization can take timely corrective actions.

SME Lending

As the organization embarks on it’s new transformational journey, DHFL would like to focus on segments growing in the market and create intuitive and customer friendly processes. In line with the vision of our Prime Minister “Start Up India”, numerous start ups are getting formed who are in need of funds to grow their businesses. With this, there is an acute needs of funds amongst SME segment.

Your challenge is to design and present a solution for end to end SME lending using latest technological tools through which we can provide quick and easy loans to SME segment thereby bringing in a factor of customer delight.

Prizes INR 3,50,000 in prizes

Main Prizes
First Prize
INR 2,00,000
Second Prize
INR 1,00,000
Third Prize
INR 50,000

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Please contact event admin
jaysheel gandhi at jaysheel.gandhi@dhfl.com
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