3587 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
3587 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Sep 15, 2021, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 31, 2021, 03:59 AM UTC (UTC)


  1. Do I need to pay any money to register for the Hackathon? No. You do not have to pay anything to anyone to register yourself for any Hackathon on HackerEarth.

  2. Do I need to have any specific qualifications to be a participant for the Hackathon? If you love to code, you are more than welcome to participate in the Hackathon.

  3. How do I submit what I have made for the Hackathon? You have to develop the application on your local system and submit it on HackerEarth in tar/zip file format along with instructions to run the application and source code.

  4. How is the environment? Will your environment support any language? Will you provide any IDE and DB for us to work on ideas? You can use any environment you'd like as long as you provide easy and clear instructions on how to run the application or have it deployed in a demo environment and accessible via URL. Some tasks may have other deliverables such as PRs and do not require any deployment or instructions.

  5. Does one have to be online and available for the entire duration of the Hackathon? No, one does not need to be logged in on HackerEarth or be online for the entire duration. You can develop the application on your local system based on the given themes and then submit it on HackerEarth, on the specific challenge page.

  6. Since there is no specific technology mentioned, are there any restrictions on using a number of pre-built libraries? There is no restriction to use any language, technology stack, or libraries. However, there are most "appropriate" technologies and requirements & technical guidelines. Ask the point of contact for any questions regarding this.

  7. Do I need to give a demo for the product that I have built? If you want you can submit a small presentation or video that demos your submission, however it's not mandatory. In the merge guidelines, we recommend users include something such as a video of their submission. We recommend always checking the merge criteria for the most accurate recommendation.

  8. Who will own the IP(Intellectual Property) Rights to the product that I have built? The developer/developers of the web/mobile application will have all rights and own the IP of the product. However, all code needs to be in the public domain (open source) so that it can be evaluated by the judges.

  9. How will the rewards be split amongst my team? You will be required to include the split of how the reward will be distributed as part of your final project submission.

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