Winners are announced.
Hack.Bangalore is back! Mercedes-Benz is inviting the students to showcase their creativity and contribute to the ever evolving, fast paced tech world. This hackathon is to provide a great atmosphere to foster the innovative spirit of all students and enable remarkable ideas & prototypes.
C.A.S.E These letters will shape the future of Daimler. They stand for the strategic future fields of connectivity (Connected), autonomous driving (Autonomous), flexible use (Shared) and electric drive systems (Electric), which will be systematically advanced and intelligently combined by Mercedes-Benz Cars. We are already playing a leading role in all four areas. By bundling them into one all-embracing strategy as part of our approach for growth, we underline our claim to play a dominant role in the mobility of the future.
Please check out the Diamler global hackathon Series here.
For many years, Daimler has been investing in mobility, which goes beyond the actual vehicle. In the future, Daimler will continue to expand this commitment. Learn more about CASE. Check out the resource center for API's and Data sets which can help you implement your idea.