4714 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 6
4714 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 6

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Apr 02, 2020, 02:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 23, 2020, 02:00 AM UTC (UTC)



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A case of pneumonia detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, due to an unknown cause has now led to the global Coronavirus outbreak. Within a month, on January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a public health emergency.

Globally, there are over 416,686 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 18,589 deceased patients in a span of two months [Source: WHO]. 197 countries have reported positive COVID-19 cases. Several nations have implemented mass-quarantine facilities, while administrative bodies of many cities, regions, and territories have taken adequate measures to minimize the spread and encourage social-distancing.

The outbreak has indeed brought the world down to its knees. It has impacted day-to-day life as well as industrial operations. COVID-19 is spreading exponentially, and there is a severe slowdown in the global economy.

The entire community of doctors and the medical staff, first-responders, research scientists, pharmacists, grocers, and scores of volunteers are restlessly doing every bit to cure infected patients, contain the spread, and provide for the ones locked down in their homes.

We are calling in the global community of data scientists, entrepreneurs, social workers, designers, and engineers to join hands and serve society during this crisis. We invite developers across the globe to build prototypes that will help industries mitigate and administer the Coronavirus outbreak and its implications.

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Let us do our bit and hack our way toward a better tomorrow.

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Join our hackCOVID slack channel to connect with fellow participants, mentors, and innovators.

Slack channel for hackCOVID

Add Workstreams.ai to Slack for better task management and collaboration with your team members.

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Choose the most-suited IDE from JetBrains' family of ergonomic development environments and build top-notch solutions for this hackathon.

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COVID-19 Patient Symptom Screening and Reporting | Powered by IIMB
Outbreak Management
Open Theme

COVID-19 Patient Symptom Screening and Reporting:

  • Propose novel ideas that can be developed into viable solutions to enable frontline health workers to routinely report cases with COVID-19 symptoms, including general information such as the severity of the cases, age group, occupation, contact with someone with travel history to affected areas, history of chronic ailments (diabetes, hypertension, kidney diseases, weak immune systems, etc.), and more

Coupled with data on verified cases, such crowdsourced data at the healthcare worker level could be instrumental in predicting future outbreak clusters and help with resource allocation and planning.

Note: To learn more on these themes, please visit the IIMB tab.

Outbreak Management:

The most threatening concern around COVID-19 is its incubation period. An infected individual may remain asymptomatic for 2-14 days.

  • Analyze the data around COVID-19 events and predict potential COVID-19 cases across the globe on a day-to-day basis
  • Develop a tracker system that analyzes metrics such as confirmed cases, recovered cases, and death events for the next day using historical data and current data published by various agencies
  • Build a solution that forecasts the propensity for slowing down the outbreak, flattening the curve, or worsening it further across different countries to ascertain the true nature of economic or human-life cost as a result of COVID-19

Open Theme:

  • Build a voice-based application that enables contactless access to patients’ data to frontline caregivers
  • Use Artificial Intelligence to build an application that detects various lung infections and distinguish it from COVID-19 for detection, extraction of symptoms and early diagnosis
Public Administration
Tracing and Monitoring | Powered by IIMB
Home-Quarantine Tracker | Supporting Office of Tejasvi Surya

Tracing and Monitoring:

  • Propose novel ideas to assist state government bodies with tracing individuals who have been instructed to self-quarantine or the ones who may have come in contact with individuals who have been tested positive for COVID-19, without invading their privacy
  • Propose novel ideas to track symptoms of individuals who have been instructed to home-quarantine, without invading their privacy

Note: To learn more on these themes, please visit the IIMB tab.

Home-Quarantine Tracker:

The Government of Karnataka has come up with a mobile application, Quarantine Watch, to monitor home-quarantined citizens. These individuals are required to upload their selfies every hour, which also includes their GPS coordinates.

  • Create a similar or an improved version of the app for your local government body to help them navigate and manage this crisis efficiently and effectively

Itinerary Management

Itinerary Management:

  • Build a travel dashboard using API adoption or an application aimed at helping people traveling in the critical situation, to give them ways to take the safest route, visit nearest clinics/hospitals facilitating check-ups, and more
  • Build a system to convey important measures that people must take to avoid getting infected by COVID-19, backed by their location and behavioral data

Business Operations

Business Operations:

The economic damage is mounting because of the COVID-19 outbreak across the globe, and a lot of companies have been forced to let their employees work remotely.

  • Propose and execute moonshot ideas that will help us deal with the crisis and create new, competitive business models for the future
  • Identify the current trend, analyze the behavior, compare it with the last biggest crises, and derive answers on how can the impact of this virus be contained

Virtual Learning
Online Training
Open Theme

Online Training:

The Coronavirus pandemic is disrupting universities and research institutes across the world, impacting research and innovation.

  • Build an Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality-based platform that provides a classroom experience to students online at home, that are trying to learn
  • Build an innovative platform where someone in help can connect with experienced professionals who train people remotely, for instance, a medical professional training people on emergency actions

Open Theme:

  • Come up with a product to provide courses and tips on how to stay productive, build relationships when you’re not face-to-face, facilitate virtual meetings, and healthily balance family-work dynamics

Open Innovation for COVID-19
Social Responsibility
Open Theme

Social Responsibility:

  • Develop a technological solution that will aid organizations working toward eradicating COVID-19 or assisting society with daily responsibilities (eg., medication, childcare, and grocery shopping) while ensuring isolation and loneliness
  • Build a system that enables non-profit organizations to locate underprivileged sections of society and distribute essentials among them

Open Theme:

    Propose technologies and innovative solutions, bioinformatics, datasets, apps for diagnosis, and the likes that can be leveraged for strengthening the fight against Coronavirus

Theme 1
Theme 1

Description goes here


Main Prizes
First Prize

End-to-end incubation support from AIC-Great Lakes Balachandran Incubator at Great Lakes Institute of Management with an opportunity to apply for seed funding of upto Rs. 25 lakhs.

Second Prize

End-to-end incubation support from AIC-Great Lakes Balachandran Incubator at Great Lakes Institute of Management with an opportunity to apply for seed funding of upto Rs. 25 lakhs.

Third Prize

End-to-end incubation support from AIC-Great Lakes Balachandran Incubator at Great Lakes Institute of Management with an opportunity to apply for seed funding of upto Rs. 25 lakhs.

Special Prizes
Letters of appreciation

The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore will recognize the best contributions (for themes mentioned in the IIM tab) with letters of appreciation.

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Shruti Sarkar at shruti.sarkar@hackerearth.com
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