Horlicks hack 4 fun Hackathon results, Please check here: https://uc.hackerearth.com/he-public-data/Horlicks-Winners (2)71d090a.jpg
Horlicks, a GlaxoSmithKline product, is conducting a game development contest. Participants should build a game for children of the age of 7-14 years. Milk should be the central theme of the game and should have the Horlicks brand integrated in the game.
The game should be built for the web and/or mobile/tablet platforms. Desktop entries will not be considered for the prizes.
The contest is open to accepting pre-built games, as long as it is themed around milk and can be modified to contain Horlicks branding.
The hackathon teams can be between 1 to 3 people. The contest will be conducted in 2 phases. The first phase of the Hackathon is an online contest, where contestants can submit their entries. Games will be shortlisted through the duration of the contest and the GlaxoSmithKline team will share feedback with the shortlisted candidates.
In the second phase, the shortlisted candidates will present to a panel of judges, in an offline event in Bangalore, and the winners will be adjudged there.
1st Prize - 8 Lakhs
2nd Prize - 6 Lakhs
3rd Prize - 4 Lakhs
First 50 winners will win HackerEarth swags (T-shirts, Pen Drives and Stickers)