IBM zStudent Contest

25323 Registered Allowed team size: 1
25323 Registered Allowed team size: 1

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Sep 14, 2022, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 01, 2023, 04:59 AM UTC (UTC)

Submission Format

Submission output will be a PDF in the form of HTML or Markdown by the contestant.

The submissions must interpret data and find the most sustainable supplier to build and fill a car battery.

The contestant will get information on:

  • What to expect in each challenge ("drop")
  • How the skillset that will be used
  • The expected output style
  • How it will be executed
  • How it will be judged
  • Plus...a few more clues that will allow you to best write your code

Each drop is progressive. Contestants will only be able to move forward if the code from the previous drop works. The final submission will be either in HTML or Markdown, generated into a PDF.

Contestants will submit their project for subsequent automated execution against the judging datasets; data formats and field/column names will be consistent with the test datasets provided in the Drops. Contestants will not have access to the judging datasets.

In Drop 6, we are checking that when you submit, your code will work against different data. If it doesn’t, you will not be included in the automated ranking process. If it does, you will be pushed through to our judges.

Please see Judging Criteria for what you will be judged on.

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