Intel® oneAPI Hackathon for Open Innovation

4851 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
4851 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

Idea Phase
starts on:
Nov 16, 2022, 11:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 31, 2023, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Prototype Phase
starts on:
Feb 06, 2023, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 05, 2023, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)




Welcome to the Intel® oneAPI Hackathon for Open Innovation

Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and changed our daily lives where everything is connected and accessible with clicks. oneAPI is one such tech stack which has great potential to build many innovative solutions for good.

You are invited to showcase your skills through innovation with oneAPI for social good. You are welcome to use your skills in the Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Analytics with oneAPI to build solutions for some of the most compelling problems in various sectors. The problem statements are well curated which throws challenges to you as a developer.
The developers also get free hands-on training from Intel® experts during the course of this hackathon. Workshops on various oneAPI toolkits are planned to enable developers learning oneAPI with ease.

The objective of this hackathon is to build solutions with oneAPI for compelling problems identified. Developers can choose to work in the themes of the ML, Computer Vision, and Open Innovation theme. The developers are expected to build the solutions using the Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkits.

What to expect from this Hackathon:

  • This hackathon will lead the developers to learn and work on the industry standard Intel® optimized frameworks including including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, XGBoost, open AI software tools, and domain-specific reference kits.
  • Collaborate, network, and compete in teams while getting the chance to demonstrate your work to top Intel® engineers and architects.

Hackathon Phases:

 We are presenting you with option to compete in one of these tracks:

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Computer Vision
  3. oneAPI open social innovation.

You stand a chance to win handful prizes from Intel® and attractive cash rewards. Also, the best of the projects will stand a chance to be exhibited in the Intel® Devmesh.

Top teams will also get a chance to interact with Intel® team to get mentored further.

Come, submit your ideas, Innovate, Inspire and win!

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Working professionals: Participants those who have graduated and have valid work experience of minimum 06 months in a company.
    • AI Developers, AI Enthusiasts, Data Scientist, ML Engineers, Programmers
  • Freelancers: Participants who have graduated, are self-employed, and are not committed to a particular employer for a permanent job. These participants are not confined to any particular industry.
  • Start-Ups
  • Research Scholars

Important Note: Usage of Intel® oneAPI AI Analtyics toolkits is mandatory to participate.

Team Size: 1 - 5

You can either invite your friends, or colleague(s) from the same organization to form a team, or you can request other teams to add you as a member (max. 5 members per team). The preference would be to form teams with your friends/colleagues from the same organization. To participate in this hackathon, register and begin by picking one or more themes from the theme section to work on!

Hackathon Timelines:

Know more about Intel® AI Analytics Toolkits

Download the Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkits here

Find below some relevant materials that will help you get started for the oneAPI Hackathon for Open Innovation.



Machine Learning Challenge Track: Predict the quality of freshwater


Freshwater is one of our most vital and scarce natural resources, making up just 3% of the earth’s total water volume. It touches nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from drinking, swimming, and bathing to generating food, electricity, and the products we use every day. Access to a safe and sanitary water supply is essential not only to human life, but also to the survival of surrounding ecosystems that are experiencing the effects of droughts, pollution, and rising temperatures.

Expected Solution:

In this track of the hackathon, you will have the opportunity to apply the oneAPI skills to help global water security and environmental sustainability efforts by predicting whether freshwater is safe to drink and use for the ecosystems that rely on it.


You can download the dataset here


Usage of Intel® oneAPI AI Analtyics toolkits is mandatory to participate.

Computer Vision Challenge Track: Target and Eliminate


Weeds to increase crop yields Weeds are an unwanted intruder in the agricultural business. They steal nutrients, water, land, and other critical resources to grow healthy crops. These intruders can lead to lower yields and inefficient deployment of resources by farmers. One known approach is to use pesticides to remove weeds, but aggressive pesticides create health risks for humans. Computer vision technology can automatically detect the presence of weeds and use targeted remediation techniques to remove them from fields with minimal environmental impact.

Expected Solution:

In this hackathon track, you will be tasked with training and deploying a model into a simulated production environment - where your binary-classification accuracy (F1 score) and inference time will be used to rank you against other teams competing for this track's top spot.


You can download the dataset here


Usage of usage of any oneAPI toolkit is mandatory.

Open Innovation with Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkits

Ideas can come from anywhere. Open innovation theme accentuates your imagination with the least restrictions. Build the ideas that you believe in! We invite all ideas across all domains, where you could solve some compelling problems with your innovative solutions. Put on your thinking caps and start submitting your innovative ideas. Only condition to be met is, you should be using Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkits for building your solution!

Prizes USD 6000 in prizes

Special goodies to be given out to participants who will generate buzz using #oneAPI on their social media platforms.

Rules: Top 5 winners with Highest #Impressions #share and Likes will stand a chance to receive a goodie bag from Intel®. We would love to hear your experience on usage of Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkits, write your views about the Hackathon on social media (Twitter or Instagram) and tag us using #oneAPI #Hackerearth @IntelIndia @kavitaaroor. This contest is open for residents in the Asia Pacific and Japan region. Winners will be announced on HackerEarth website and on the Intel Discord channel by 30th Jan 2023.

Main Prizes
1st Prize
USD 3000
2nd Prize
USD 2000
3rd Prize
USD 1000

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