LGBTQIA+ Matters

343 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2
343 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2

This campaign is over.

Proposal Submission
starts on:
May 02, 2023, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 11, 2023, 01:30 AM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
May 17, 2023, 10:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 17, 2023, 12:00 PM UTC (UTC)


Top 3 teams who will be going to Colombo, Sri Lanka:

1st - Our Diary

2nd - Tremployee

3rd - QRate

This Hackathon is open to members of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies.
Please use the English language in your submissions. This hackathon is not limited to technical ideas, which means that non-technical ideas are welcome as well.

Registration and team formation timeline has been extended by a week! Please check the table in the Event flow for details.

Amendment to the criteria of Hackathon

  1. This is a team hackathon and each team must have 2 members. Members can be:
    1. One member from South Asia and the other member from Europe
    2. Both the members from South Asia
    3. European members can be a South Asian who is based in Europe
  2. Teams cannot be:
    1. Team of only one member is not allowed
    2. Team of more than two members is not allowed
  3. Top 10 ideas from phase 1 will be selected to pitch their ideas for the online hackathon round on 17th May. Out of these 10 ideas, 2 slots will be given to teams with 1 member from Europe and 1 member from South Asia, and 8 slots will be given to teams with other combinations as mentioned in point 1. The top 3 teams from the online hackathon on 17th May will then be selected to compete in the physical hackathon in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The top 3 teams will be open to any of the combinations as mentioned in point 1.

To better identify the geography of each participant to form teams, while registering for the hackathon please add your name in this format: Full Name - South Asia/Europe. (Ex: John Doe - Europe OR Jane Doe - South Asia). Please use this information visible on each participant's name to form your teams according to the criteria. We have also created a discord channel that you can join to find team mates.

The objectives of the hackathon are to bring together individuals from both the European Union and South Asia to collaborate and develop ideas and solutions in the area of LGBTQIA+ rights and issues. The hackathon aims to foster cross-cultural dialogue, promote awareness and understanding of LGBTQIA+ issues, and encourage innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community.

The top 3 projects from the online hackathon on 17th May will be selected to compete in the physical hackathon in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The winner of the hackathon will have the opportunity to represent their winning project in the international hackathon in Germany in October.

Event Flow:

Date Milestone
11.04.2023 Registration opens
25.04.2023 Prelude Meeting with all teams:
· Brief introduction about FNF South Asia
· About Hackathon
· Q & A
02.05.2023 Team formation & proposal submission opens
11.05.2023 Deadline for the submission of the proposals
17.05.2023 Online Hackathon Competition

Additional Resources:

  1. Click here for a guide on Registration and Team formation.
  2. Click here to download the Proposal Submission Template. This template contains pointers on what you need to submit as part of your proposal.

If you face any technical trouble on the platform, please write to


Important Note: Please make sure your proposal submission has the below two elements in a .zip file. This .zip file can be attached while submitting your proposals.

  1. PDF file of your proposal in the submission template guide
  2. 2 minute presentation video (this video can include a run through of your presentation, team members speaking, etc.)

Please use the Proposal Submission Template to submit your proposals - Click here to download.

Access to education and employment opportunities

Projects addressing challenges faced by the community in accessing education and employment opportunities. This may involve developing innovative solutions to remove barriers and create inclusive environments in educational institutions and workplaces.

Representation in politics and media

Projects promoting greater representation and visibility of the community in politics and media. This may involve creating strategies to increase LGBTQIA+ representation in decision-making roles, such as government, policy-making, and media organizations.

Online safe spaces

Projects focusing on creating safe and inclusive online spaces for the community. This may involve developing technological solutions to address issues such as cyberbullying, harassment, hate speech, and discrimination faced by the community in online platforms.

Open theme

Projects addressing any other aspect of strengthening dialogue and cooperation between South Asia and the European Union on LGBTQIA+ matters will also be accepted.


Main Prizes
Top 3 teams to Colombo, Sri Lanka!

The top 3 projects from the online hackathon on 17th May will be selected to compete in the physical hackathon in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 5th to 8th June, 2023.

Hackathon Winner to Germany!

The winner of the physical hackathon in Colombo will have the opportunity to represent their winning project in the international hackathon in Germany in October.

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HackerEarth Support at
