N/Core Ideathon

1082 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3
1082 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3

This campaign is over.

idea phase
starts on:
May 18, 2018, 02:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 13, 2018, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Jun 23, 2018, 04:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 23, 2018, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)


To view a list of shortlisted teams, click here.


In order to bridge the gap between problems and problem-solvers, N/Core and Omidyar Network have launched the Ideathon. The objective is to bring to the fore, use cases and problem statements faced by marginalized or economically backward communities, and invite the most promising ideas and discover disruptive solutions for the following problems:

  • Land and property records
  • Shelter and affordable housing in urban areas
  • Women & Inclusivity


Phase 1, Online Round: You need to submit your ideas under any one of the given themes. You are allowed to make multiple idea submissions as well.

Phase 2, Offline Round: Shortlisted teams from Round 1 will need to pitch their ideas to the jury.

About N/Core

N/Core is an incubator for nonprofits, working in the area of poverty alleviation. We focus on exceptional founders of early-stage nonprofits who have the potential to deliver meaningful impact at large scale, and support them with a seed-grant, one-of-a-kind mentoring and a vast network of potential collaborators and sponsors.


For the poorest in India, a secure right to land or housing has the potential to unlock massive economic and societal value. It can protect them from losing their house or their land, give them security, a better quality of life and economic leverage and it can be the means to escape poverty. Do you have an innovative idea to make this happen?

You can refer to this document for the Idea submission template - hck.re/ncore

We're inviting abstracts with innovative, scalable ideas in the following themes (indicative and not limiting):

Land and property records

Millions of poor rural and urban households are long-time occupants and/or users of land, but don’t have formal records to establish their rights to the land or the house. They may have inherited the property from their parents, but haven’t managed to update the paperwork; or they may have bought it in good faith but not registered the sale deed; or they are tenant farmers who can’t access any government subsidy due to the lack of records; or they are slum dwellers who live under the cloud of possible eviction when infrastructure development comes to their doorstep.

Inadequate state of land and property records in India - both textual and spatial records, has a negative impact. They are a source of land tenure insecurity - not only for the poor but everyone. They facilitate corruption and lead to highly costly incidence of land disputes, and limit Government’s ability to conduct effective planning and raise revenue.

State governments and civil society organisations would benefit from innovative solutions that can help in

A - Identification of the poor households and updating their records to provide them tenure security.

B - Technology for surveying and developing accurate maps, combined with community engagement methods to enable acceptance of the maps

C - Paralegal solutions to establish long-term occupancy, resolve disputes

D - Legal awareness and aid for individuals and communities

E - Technology for land record digitization and management and open/secure data platforms that allow citizens to view and store their property data.

Shelter and affordable housing in urban areas

40% people in urban areas/slums are living informally. The housing shortage in urban areas is estimated to be 1 crore units by 2022. Many urban residents are also insecure and lack legal documentation for their residences (PRIndex report). Formalizing and strengthening the rights of urban informal settlers and providing them with affordable housing options are critical steps.

A - Affordable housing for urban informal settlers

B - Financing access to decent housing for the informally employed and those with informal property documents

C - Shelter solutions and rehabilitation for the urban homeless

Women & Inclusivity

Women from the poorest backgrounds are denied equal rights to access, use, inherit, control, and own land or property. Only 31% of rural women own land and 39% own a house- and the proportion is even lower for urban women. Often women’s only claim to the land they rely on for food, income, or the house which is their shelter, is through their relationship to a male relative. They are susceptible to displacement and exploitation, especially if they are widows/ single or divorcees. This hampers women’s ability to lift themselves and their families out of extreme poverty. When women have secure rights to land or their house, their status improves and they are better able to take care of themselves, and their families.

A - Help girls understand land rights, the benefits of having control over and access to land, and the importance of equal inheritance rights for boys and girls

B - Increase women’s access and ownership of land and other productive resources through ensuring effective implementation of laws for women’s entitlement to land and enable entitlements towards productive resources.


In addition to the prizes, there are incubation opportunities for the top (non-profit) ideas.

Main Prizes
First Prize
INR 1,00,000
Second Prize
INR 30,000
Third Prize
INR 20,000

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Help & Support

Please contact event admin
santoshcharan at santosh@thenudge.org
