Rakathon 2024

8949 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 4
8949 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 4

Winners are announced.

Idea Phase
starts on:
Jul 10, 2024, 01:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 04, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Grand Finale
starts on:
Aug 30, 2024, 05:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 31, 2024, 07:30 AM UTC (UTC)


Terms and Conditions

Rakuten India Enterprise Private Limited (“Rakuten India”)

  • Considering the event is both offline and online, with regards to the online participation, you acknowledge and agree that through your participation in Rakathon ‘24, Rakuten India will collect certain personal information regarding you. Such personal information will include recordings (both audio and video) of you and your surroundings during your participation(should your audio and video settings be turned on during your participation through any virtual medium including Zoom or other such platforms). We will also capture still photos of you during your participation, which may be used in Rakuten India’s promotional or other material, as we deem fit. We recommend clearing your background of any information or data that may be of a personal nature that you do not wish for Rakuten India to collect.
  •  If you are present in person at our premises, you also agree to have your photos, videos and voice recordings be collected by Rakuten India for the same purposes. You also agree to Rakuten India’s unrestricted use of such recordings and photos, whether internal, external, commercial or otherwise, and waive any rights to your access or use of the same. 
  • You/your team agree to indemnify Rakuten India from any and all claims related to your Hack/code.
  • Participants understand and agree that Rakuten India shall not be liable for any loss/damages etc incurred by the participants during or toward Rakathon 2024.
  • Participants are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas. Please note that any idea that has been copied or borrowed from any source including but not limited to internet sources may not be considered. Participants should not plagiarize content including ideas/code and must also not take credit for things they didn’t create themselves or misrepresent themselves as an author or creator of ideas/code found online.
  • By participating in the Rakathon 2024, you agree to all the terms and conditions mentioned herein. 

    Rakathon’24 - Privacy Notice:

    This privacy notice depicts how Rakuten uses, stores and protects the personal information provided to us.

    Rakuten India Enterprise Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Rakuten”, “us”, “we”, “our”) will appropriately handle the personal data obtained through the Rakathon ‘24 registration website and the Rakathon ‘24 event(s) (hereinafter referred to as “Rakathon ‘24”) in accordance with the provisions set forth in this privacy notice (hereinafter referred to as this “Notice”).


    This Notice applies to all registrants, participants, speakers, guests, and any other persons engaged with the Rakathon 2024 (“Participants”).

    The protection and security of our Participants is important to us. We have designed Rakathon 2024 in a manner that only personal and other information required for your participation and our public display and promotion of the event(s). This Notice applies to our collection, use, storage, and processing of your personal or personally identifiable data (“Personal Data”), for the purpose of conducting the Rakathon 2024.

    Personal Data to Be Collected

    Through Rakathon 2024, we will collect the Personal Data related to you as described below:

  • Information required for your registration i.e. full name, email address, phone number, username and other contact information.
  • Physical address or any address for receipt of physical delivery.
  • Profession and designation.
  • Field of work, professional experience, organisation/ institution/ affiliated association or company.
  • Records of your correspondence with us.
  • Additional information that can be provided through the Rakathon 2024, its related events, social media, or other types of interaction with us. 

    Purpose of Use

    Rakuten India will use the Personal Data directly collected from you in accordance with the following purposes:

  • In order to conduct, broadcast, deliberate upon, and otherwise organize the Rakathon 2024.
  • Where we need to perform the contract we are about to enter with you (please see the “Terms & Conditions” above).
  • In order to provide any administrative or technical assistance to Participants.
  • Where necessary for our legitimate interests or those of a third party, provided those interests do not override your fundamental rights and interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

    We will not use Personal Data any other purpose than the above-stated purposes unless it is permitted by laws and regulations, such as when we obtain your consent for each of such changed or new purpose (where required under applicable law).

     Data Storage, Access, Security and Retention

    Your Personal Data will be held in a secure environment by Rakuten.

    Access to your Personal Data is limited to those personnel of Rakuten that require it, and only for the purposes outlined in the ‘Purpose of Use’ section above.

    Rakuten India maintains appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing of Personal Data and/or against accidental loss, alteration, disclosure or access, or accidental or unlawful destruction of or damage to Personal Data.

    Rakuten India will keep your Personal Data for as long as it has a contractual relationship with you. Once the relationship with you has come to an end, Rakuten India will retain your Personal Data for a period of time that enables us to:

  • Provide any additional services to you related to the Rakathon 2024.
  • Maintain business records for analysis and/or audit purposes.
  • Comply with record retention requirements under the law.
  • Defend or bring any existing or potential legal claims; and
  • Deal with any complaints.

    We will delete your Personal Data when it is no longer required for these purposes. If, for any technical reason, there is any Personal Data that we are unable to delete entirely from its systems, we will put appropriate measures in place to prevent any further processing or use of the data.  

    Disclosure to Subcontractors and Third-Parties

    Where we engage a third-party data processor to process Personal Data on our behalf, we will choose a data processor that provides sufficient guarantees with respect to technical and organisational security measures. We will also ensure that the data processor acts on our behalf and under our instructions, and that we will impose appropriate data protection and information security requirements on such third-party data processors, by contracting with them in writing.

    Personal Data may also be provided to other business entities, where permitted by law, in connection with a corporate restructuring, sale, or assignment of assets, merger, divestiture, or other changes of the financial or structural status. Should such a provision occur, Rakuten India will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the business entity to which Rakuten India transfers the Personal Data and uses it in a manner that is consistent with this Notice.

    Children’s Data

    You are only permitted to access Rakathon 2024 if you are at least 18 years old. We do not knowingly collect or use any Personal Data from minors under the age of 18 years. If you think that your child has provided any Personal Data to us, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

    Your Rights

    You have certain rights regarding your Personal Data, subject to applicable laws. These include the following rights to:

  • Access your Personal Data
  • Rectify the Personal Data Rakuten India holds about you;
  • Erase your Personal Data;
  • Restrict Rakuten India’s use of your Personal Data;
  • Object to Rakuten India’s use of your Personal Data;
  • Receive your Personal Data in an usable electronic format and transmit it to a third party (right to data portability); and
  • Lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.

    If you would like to discuss or exercise such rights, please contact admin-rakathon-2024@mail.rakuten.com . However, please note that the applicable law may restrict your right to exercise some of the above-mentioned rights. We will contact you if we need additional information from you in order to honour your requests. 


  • Rakuten India through its event partner and organizing team may take any actions necessary to verify participant/s and/or team/s compliance with the terms and conditions of participation.
  • The Participants hereby agree that the decisions of the organizers and the judges shall be final, and Rakuten India or the event partner will not correspond with the Participants about the decisions of the judges or the determination of the winners.
  • All taxes and other expenses, costs, or fees associated with the acceptance of any prize is the sole responsibility of winners. Prizes cannot be transferred or substituted by winner. If a prize is unclaimed within a reasonable time after notification from Rakuten India, it will be forfeited, and an alternative winner may be selected from the remaining eligible submissions at the Rakuten India’s sole discretion.
  • Participants shall not violate the terms of use of any social media service, website, mobile application, software, software license terms or any other platform used in connection with your submission; Not contain, depict or refer to any crude, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, disparaging, discriminatory, offensive, illegal or otherwise unsuitable language activity or other content; Not contain, depict or refer to any content which disparages or refers negatively to the Rakuten India, or any other person or entity; and not contain any content that violates any law or any third party’s rights (including privacy, personality and intellectual property rights).
  • Rakuten India assumes no responsibility for any injury or damage to any person’s computer relating to or resulting from downloading materials or software in connection with Rakathon 2024. Rakuten India is not responsible for telecommunication, network, electronic, technical, or computer failures of any kind; including not limited to inaccurate transcription of submission information; for errors in any promotional or marketing materials or in the terms and conditions of participation; for any human or electronic error.
  • The Participant/s releases and holds Rakuten India its directors and event partners, harmless from any and all responsibility, liability, damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, statutory, and other damages), losses, costs, or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to including but not limited to disputes among individuals claiming to have contributed to the submissions, misappropriation, infringement, or other violation of any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other right of any person attributable to the Participant/s or the submissions. If anyone makes any claim against Rakuten India arising out of or relating to any of the causes attributable to the submissions of the Participant/s, the respective Participant/s undertakes to indemnify Rakuten India against any damages, losses, liabilities, costs, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation attorneys’ and experts’ fees and costs, incurred in connection with such claim.
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions of participation/ undertaking will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and in the event of any claim, action or dispute arising under or relating to this terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Bengaluru.
  • Contact Information

    For any questions regarding this Notice, please contact  admin-rakathon-2024@mail.rakuten.com, who will respond to your inquiry without undue delay. 


    In case of any material change to the way in which Rakuten India uses Personal Data or to any other aspect of this Notice, we will update this document and provide the date on which it was updated.

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