TeenTechSF GLOBAL Civic Hackathon

36 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 5
36 Registered Allowed team size: 2 - 5

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Oct 14, 2017, 03:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 14, 2017, 07:55 AM UTC (UTC)



1) You must be 13-18 years old to participate and work on a team with other students which has two to five members.

2) Teams must develop the project during the Oct 14 to Nov 13th competition period.

3) Work must be original and new. Projects must be the students' own work. Adults can act as mentors, but should not do any of the work. Previously developed projects cannot be submitted.

4) Anyone entering in the online TTSF GLOBAL Civic Hackathon or onsite regional civic hackathon organized by TTSF US chapters or global partners, may share their tech project on HackerEarth.

4) If you are submitting your tech project to qualify for the World Pitch judging, your project submission must include a 3 minute pitch videbo and a short project description.

  • The 3 minute pitch video may be in any language, but it must have English subtitles or be accompanied by an English translation.

  • The project description must include the project title, the team name, the individual student names, and project description. Check out the judging rubric for the info you should include in your project description. Be brief. Judges will spend only 10-15 minutes reviewing your project. Description should be no longer than one page.

enter image description here

5) You may also include additional documentation (links to projects, demos, working code, etc.) but total review time will be the same for all projects regardless of what is submitted.

6) Finalists will receive a form so that an adult mentor can certify that the students have followed the competition rules in developing their project.

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