TIBCO LABS IoT and Sustainability Hack

1967 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
1967 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

Winners are announced.

Idea Phase
starts on:
Nov 15, 2021, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 14, 2022, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)
Development Phase
starts on:
Jan 20, 2022, 06:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 31, 2022, 07:59 AM UTC (UTC)


Submission Guideline

The hackathon is open to creativity and innovation, with only two requirements for solutions:

  • Solutions must make use of one or more Project AIR capabilities.
  • Solutions must address an element of environmental sustainability (the “E” in “ESG”).

Your submissions must be submitted using the formats described below:

Ideation Phase

All submissions must include the following:

  • A PowerPoint presentation or pdf (maximum 5 slides) describing your idea for the solution

At your option, you can *also* submit a YouTube video outlining your idea and any additional details you wish to provide about the solution as well as the PowerPoint presentation. (The video should not exceed three (3) minutes.)

All idea submissions must include the following: 

o   Problem Statement - What sustainability problem is the solution addressing?

o   Description of Proposed Idea - How does the solution plan to address the problem?

o   Business Impact and Value -What is the impact and business value of your solution?

o   High-level Approach - How would you build the solution?

o   Differentiating Features - What makes this solution different from current industry solutions? 

Development Phase

Each member of the team needs to complete and submit a signed Development Participation Agreement in order to participate in the Development Phase and be eligible to win prizes in the hackathon. 

All submissions must use the following format:

  • A PowerPoint presentation or pdf (maximum 5 slides) describing your prototype solution
  • A YouTube video outlining your idea and any additional details you wish to provide about the solution. (The video should not exceed three (3) minutes. Think of the video as a “startup pitch” presentation.)
  • Link to the source code on GitHub

All submissions must include the following:

o   Technical Description - How did you technically approach the solution? 

o   Key Features - What key features are in the prototype solution? 

o   Project AIR Capabilities Used - What Project AIR capabilities did you include in the solution? 

o   Technical Architecture - What would the overall technical architecture look like for the solution? 

o   Functional and Non-Functional Considerations - What other aspects did you think about? 



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