UST D3CODE Hackathon'24

7160 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
7160 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

The idea submission phase is over and participation is closed.

Idea Phase
starts on:
Aug 13, 2024, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 08, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Prototype Phase
starts on:
Sep 19, 2024, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Oct 06, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)

Evaluation Criteria

Below is the evaluation mechanism being used for this event. Please prepare your presentations accordingly.

Evaluation Criteria for Ideas:

  • Innovation and Creativity – 40 Points
    • How original and innovative is the idea?
    • Does it offer a novel solution to the problem?
  • Impact – 30 Points
    • What is the potential social impact of the idea?
    • How many people will benefit from the solution?
  • Feasibility – 10 Points
    • Is the idea practical and achievable within the given resources and timeframe?
    • Are the necessary resources and skills easily available?
  • Scalability – 10 Points
    • Can the idea be scaled or replicated in other communities?
  • Presentation – 10 Points
    • How well is the idea articulated and presented?

Evaluation criteria for Prototype Phase:

  • Scope – 25 Points
    • Scope of hack – While you will define the scope of what you will build, the scope will be judged in the context of the idea you submitted. Judges will be looking for how well your hack addresses the core challenge(s) of your idea.
  • Completeness of prototype – 40 Points
    • Does the prototype address the scope defined? Is the prototype working? Are enough bells and whistles in place to ensure a bug-free happy-path execution?
  • User Experience – 15 Points
    • How good is the user experience? How easy or difficult is it for a first-time user, familiar only with the idea submitted, to navigate through the prototype?
  • Aesthetic Appeal – 10 Points
    • Is the GUI pleasing to the eye? Does the prototype show a sense and understanding of colors, typography, iconography, and other design elements?
  • Wow Factors – 10 Points
    • Any features, functions or look and feel that stand out for technical reasons; technically challenging to implement or effort intensive but has been developed.

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