
315 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
315 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

idea phase
starts on:
Feb 05, 2019, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 08, 2019, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Mar 10, 2019, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 11, 2019, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)


WomenTechies is a women-centric hackathon that aims to inspire more girls in the field of coding and technology. The participants of the hack will be judged through three technical reviews, conducted at regular intervals. The project is expected to be a practical solution to a real-life problem.

A minimum of 50% female members in a team is mandatory.


WomenTechies is a 24 – hour long hack which aims to bring more women into tech.

There are two phases in this hack:

  1. In the first phase, everyone needs to submit a synopsis of their idea and how they plan to implement it.
  2. In the final phase, the shortlisted participants will be invited for the offline hackathon where they would be working on their idea and building a prototype.

The event flow will be as follows:

  1. A networking session with the guests where they will be sharing their experiences in various technical domains.
  2. The hackathon.

The hackathon is segmented into three technical review rounds:

  1. Review 1 - A basic prototype of the product.
  2. Review 2 - Present the project-in-progress.
  3. Review 3 - Final developed application.

NOTE: The team must have a minimum of 50% female members.


Women Techmakers, an initiative by Google has a vision of creating gender equality in the field of computer science, and to encourage and support women in tech to become active role models and leaders in the field of technology. WTM VIT, powered by Google, has been continuously launching scalable initiatives and piloting new programs to support this vision and empower women in the industry.


Algorithm Based Track: Tour around Tamil Nadu

You have recently been admitted to VIT University, Vellore. While you are here to attend the orientation programme of the university, you decide to go on a solo backpacking trip around the entire state of Tamil Nadu and learn about the culture and heritage of the state. But college starts in a few days and you are keen on visiting the attractions of each area in Tamil Nadu with limited funds!

You decide to start your trip at Vellore and be back in Vellore at the end of the trip has covered all the major attractions of Tamil Nadu. Given the time and money constraints, you have to act smart! So, you divide the entire state into smaller districts and plan on visiting the attractions in each district in a day. So basically, the plan is to see everything in a district in one day, then move to another district by bus, the next day.

In order to see the attractions within a district, it'll be necessary to rent a car. This causes logistical difficulties as the car must be returned to the car rental agency. This means you have to take the next bus from the same bus stop where you last arrived in the district.

After doing all of that, it turns out that there’s not much time left for planning. You write down all the bus options for the given days and quickly establish the initial schedule. Bingo! However, you soon realize that the buses you’ve chosen would indeed allow you to visit all the areas but the total cost is too high. You have to choose buses that would lower the cost of the trip.

You need to stick to the plan: the first bus should depart at the indicated bus stand and each subsequent bus trip should take place the following day and depart from the bus stand where you last arrived. On your last day of the trip, you should arrive back in Vellore.

Devise a web/mobile application which has an optimal algorithmic solution at its core to the aforementioned problem.

Women Safety

Women safety is one of the pre-existing issues which negatively balances most other developments made throughout the nation. Aiming at a society that promotes women empowerment and provides an atmosphere led by women is the need of the hour.

There are quite a few already executed applications which provide online ease to women across India. For example, mobile-friendly applications have been developed to track the real-time location of women who feel unsafe travelling with an unknown cab driver.

Through this track, we expect participants to come up with practical solutions for better safety of women.

Possible Outcomes:

  • An enhanced synergy of existing Safe City solutions.
  • New marketable concepts to improve collective community security.

Supply and Demand of Agricultural Inputs through LBRY Blockchain API Implementation

Smallholder farmers buy inputs such as seeds and fertilizers at high retail prices, often missing potential gains that come when dealing in bulk. The inputs pass a long chain of middlemen, making them expensive and increasing chances of adulteration. The demand for an individual smallholder farmer is too low for him/her to access agriculture input from companies and wholesalers.

There is a lack of transparency in prices and quality standards that increase the farmer’s cost and risk in farming. With Loop, it is now possible to aggregate input demand of smallholder farmers. We propose the creation of a technology platform using blockchain technology with LBRY Blockchain API Implementation that gives them easy access to big input suppliers, indicates reliability, tracks availability, and fills input orders optimizing the cost of delivery.

For reference: https://lbry.tech/

Women Education

The problem of women’s education in India is one which attracts our attention immediately. In our country, due to conservative traditionalism, women’s status has been considered to be lower than that of men since ages. During the later part of the Vedic period, the Aryans had sealed the fate of women culturally and socially by denying them the right to study Vedas and thus half of the population was deprived of one of the most fundamental human rights.

Even today, in spite of the recognition of women’s status equal to that of men, the majority of them suffer in primitive ignorance as ever before.

Using your unique approach solve the problem and help in promoting proper education to girls in remote areas.

Open Innovation - Turbot Challenge

Turbot Challenge: Develop an application or website that uses AWS services to solve a real-world problem, re-invent the future, or simply be creative! In the open innovation track, you can come up with anything from any domain that helps women rise in the field of tech.

Open Innovation through LBRY Implementation

LBRY Implementation Challenge: Build an app or Website that uses the LBRY platform to solve a real-world problem, re-invent the future, or simply be creative!

For reference: https://lbry.tech/

Prizes INR 32,000 in prizes

Main Prizes
INR 15,000
First Runner Up
INR 8,000
Second Runner Up
INR 5,000
Special Prizes
WTM Special Prize
INR 4,000

The best All Women Team will be awarded the WTM Special Prize.

Help & Support

Please contact event admin
DIPSHIT at dscvitvellore@gmail.com
