Update Interview

You can update the details of any interview using following API endpoint:



The client authentication is done using your unique client_id and client_secret.

You can refer to your Dashboard settings, for client_id and client_secret under API details.


Type: String

Description: client_id is a 67 character random key that serves as an identification for a particular client. It must be provided when communicating with the API as a parameter to the API endpoint.

Example: d8a20ae8e475209er4b1faa72ede88a174423cc2029c.api.hackerearth.com


Type: String

Description: client_secret is a 40 character random key that serves as an identification for a particular client. It must be provided when communicating with the API as a parameter to the API endpoint.

Example: 2b0ff29f4f8751487540604cdab5611e6135f41c

Making requests

All the requests to the API must be made using the PUT request method.

client_id, client_secret, title, start_datetime, candidate_details and interviewers are the required parameters for making the request to this API endpoint. eval_params, inform_candidate and inform_interviewers are optional parameters. All these parameters have been explained below.

client_id and client_secret are explained above.


Type: String

Description: title should contain the interview title.

Example: Technical Interview


Type: String

Description: start_datetime should contain the start date and start time of the interview in ISO8601 date-time format.

Example: 2019-07-31T21:25:02+05:30


Type: Dictionary

Description: candidate_details should consist of full_name, email_id and contact_number fields which contain candidate's full name, email address and contact number respectively. full_name and email_id are the required fields while contact_number is optional.


Type: List

Description: interviewers should be a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents an interviewer's details.

Each interviewer's details should consist of full_name, email_id and feedback_redirect_url fields which contain interviewer's full name, email address and the redirect url for feedback submission respectively. full_name and email_id are the required fields while feedback_redirect_url is optional.

If feedback_redirect_url is specified then the interviewer would be redirected to that url for feedback submission as soon as he/she ends the interview at HackerEarth.

Note: The length of interviewers list should range between 1 and 5. That is, minimum 1 and maximum 5 interviewers details can be specified in this list.

eval_params (Optional)

Type: List

Description: eval_params should be a list of strings containing evaluation parameters/criteria for the interview.

inform_candidate (Optional)

Type: Boolean value (True/False)

Description: The value of this field indicates whether to send interview invite email to the candidate. If this field is not provided, then by default inform_candidate will be True and candidate will receive interview invite email.

inform_interviewers (Optional)

Type: Boolean value (True/False)

Description: The value of this field indicates whether to send interview invite email to the interviewers. If this field is not provided, then by default inform_interviewers will be True and interviewers will receive interview invite email.

Sample request using *python*

#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import requests

CLIENT_ID = "abcdefghijklm123456789nopqrstuvwxyz.api.hackerearth.com"
CLIENT_SECRET = "abcdefghijklm123456789nopqrstuvwxyz"
TITLE = "Technical Interview"
START_DATETIME = "2020-05-31T21:25:02+05:30"
    "full_name": "Sergio Marquina",
    "email_id": "sergio.marquina@gmail.com",
    "contact_number": "919603329860"
        "full_name": "John Smith",
        "email_id": "john.smith55@gmail.com",
        "feedback_redirect_url": "https://beceptor.com/11254/feedback"
        "full_name": "Martha Jones",
        "email_id": "martha.jones66@gmail.com",
        "feedback_redirect_url": "https://beceptor.com/11256/feedback"
EVAL_PARAMS = ["Algorithms", "Python", "Number Theory"]

payload = {
    "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
    "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET,
    "title": TITLE,
    "start_datetime": START_DATETIME,
    "candidate_details": CANDIDATE_DETAILS,
    "interviewers": INTERVIEWERS,
    "eval_params": EVAL_PARAMS,
    "inform_candidate": INFORM_CANDIDATE,
    "inform_interviewers": INFORM_INTERVIEWERS
r = requests.put("https://api.hackerearth.com/partner/hackerearth/interviews/ed51eb2f545245nmbf9c3e4677d87b9d/", data=json.dumps(payload))
print r.json()

Using cURL

curl -X PUT --data '{
"client_id": "abcdefghijklm123456789nopqrstuvwxyz.api.hackerearth.com",
"client_secret": "abcdefghijklm123456789nopqrstuvwxyz",
"title": "Technical Interview",
"start_datetime": "2020-05-31T21:25:02+05:30",
"candidate_details": {
    "full_name": "Sergio Marquina",
    "email_id": "sergio.marquina@gmail.com",
    "contact_number": "919603329860"
"interviewers": [
        "full_name": "John Smith",
        "email_id": "john.smith55@gmail.com",
        "feedback_redirect_url": "https://beceptor.com/11254/feedback"
        "full_name": "Martha Jones",
        "email_id": "martha.jones66@gmail.com",
        "feedback_redirect_url": "https://beceptor.com/11256/feedback"
"eval_params": ["Algorithms", "Python", "Number Theory"],
"inform_candidate": true,
"inform_interviewers": true
}' https://api.hackerearth.com/partner/hackerearth/interviews/ed51eb2f545245nmbf9c3e4677d87b9d/


The response returned will be in the JSON format. A success response status code will be 200.

Sample response

    "mcode": ​"success"​ ,
    "message": ​"success"​ ,
    "ecode": [],
    "emessage": [],
    "interview_id": ​"49f6b922b2feee3be3ec79e88d6ff36"​ ,
    "candidate_interview_link": "https://www.hackerearth.com/interview/49f6b922b2feee3be3ec79e88d6ff36/login=43555lk5435lk35"​,
    "interviewer_interview_links": {
        "john.smith55@gmail.com": "https://www.hackerearth.com/interview/49f6b922b2feee3be3ec79e88d6ff36/login=43534lk5435lk35"​ ,
        "martha.jones66@gmail.com": "https://www.hackerearth.com/interview/49f6b922b2feee3be3ec79e88d6ff36/login=43534lk5435lk35"


Type : String

Description: The message code abbreviated as mcode.


Type: String

Description: A message for user regarding the success of request.

The message and mcode attributes are related to each other according to the following table:

mcode message
SUCCESS Request successful
FAILED Request failed


Type: List

Description: The error codes are abbreviated as ecode.


Type: List

Description: It represents a message explaining the error that occurred during request processing.

The emessage and ecode attributes are related to each other according to the following table:

ecode emessage
AUTHFAILED Authentication Failed
ACCESSERROR You are not authorized to access this feature. Please contact support@hackerearth.com.
ARGMISSING Request argument missing.
BADDATA Invalid request data.
INVALIDEMAIL Invalid email(s) exist.
INVALIDPHONENUMBER Invalid phone number.
INVALIDCOUNTRYCODE Invalid country code.
FACECODENOTAVAILABLE FaceCode feature is not available for your company.
INTERVIEWNOTFOUND Interview not found.
ENDEDINTERVIEWUPDATIONDENIED You cannot update an interview that has ended.
INVALIDINTERVIEWSTARTTIME You cannot schedule the interview before the current time.
INTERVIEWERCANDIDATECONFLICT Interviewer and candidate cannot be the same.
DUPLICATEINTERVIEWER Multiple interviewers cannot have the same email ID.
MINONEINTERVIEWERREQUIRED You must add at least one interviewer.
MAXINTERVIEWERSLIMITCROSSED Maximum interviewers limit crossed.
MAXEVALPARAMSLIMITCROSSED Maximum eval params limit crossed.
CANDIDATEEMAILUPDATENOTALLOWED You cannot update the candidate's email ID.
RATELIMITEXCEEDED The rate at which the API requests are made has reached. Please try again after some time.


Type: String

Description: interview_id will contain universally unique identifier (UUID) for the interview.


Type: String

Description: candidate_interview_link will contain an auto-login interview url for the candidate.


Type: Dictionary (JSON)

Description: interviewer_interview_links will contain interviewers emails mapped to their auto-login interview urls.

Errors (Mishandled API responses)

If the client_id or client_secret attribute is incorrect, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Authentication Failed"
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If user is not authorized to update the interview, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "You are not authorized to access this feature. Please contact support@hackerearth.com."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If mandatory PUT arguments are not provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Request argument missing: '<argument_name>'"
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If the provided data is invalid, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Invalid request data."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If invalid email id provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Invalid email(s) exist."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If invalid phone number (in contact_number) provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Invalid phone number."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If invalid country code (in contact_number) provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Invalid country code."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If invalid URL (in feedback_redirect_url) provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Invalid URL."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If FaceCode feature is not enabled for your company account, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "FaceCode feature is not available for your company."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If wrong interview_id is provided or the interview has been deleted, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Interview not found."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If the interview has ended, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "You cannot update an interview that has ended."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If invalid start time provided for the interview, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "You cannot schedule the interview before the current time."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If the candidate's email ID is found matching with any of the interviewers email ID, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Interviewer and candidate cannot be the same."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If multiple interviewers are found having the same email ID, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Multiple interviewers cannot have the same email ID."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If no interviewers details are provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "You must add at least one interviewer."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If more than 5 interviewers details are provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Maximum interviewers limit crossed."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If more than 10 evaluation parameters/criteria are provided, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "Maximum eval params limit crossed."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If the provided candidate's email Id doesn't match with the one already associated with the interview, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "You cannot update the candidate's email ID."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If the rate (60 per min or 5000 per day) at which API requests are made by a specific user is reached, then the JSON response that is returned is as follows:

    "message": "Request failed",
    "ecode": [
    "emessage": [
        "The rate at which the API requests are made has reached. Please try again after some time."
    "mcode": "FAILED"

If any other issue occurred do reach us out at api@hackerearth.com

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