Hack Arizona 2018

1517 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1517 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
starts on:
Jan 13, 2018, 04:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 14, 2018, 06:15 PM UTC (UTC)



  1. Teams should be made up exclusively of students (or recent graduates within one year of having graduated) who are not organizers, volunteers, judges, sponsors, or in any other privileged position at the event.
  2. Teams can of course gain advice and support from organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and others.
  3. All work on a project should be done during the hackathon.
  4. Teams can use an idea they had before the event.
  5. Teams can work on ideas that have already been done. Hacks do not have to be “innovative”. If somebody wants to work on a common idea they should be allowed to do so and should be judged on the quality of their hack. These days it’s hard to find something that’s fully original and teams might not know an idea has been done before anyway.
  6. Teams can work on an idea that they have worked on before (as long as they do not re-use code).
  7. Teams can use libraries, frameworks, or open-source code in their projects. Working on a project before the event and open-sourcing it for the sole purpose of using the code during the event is against the spirit of the rules and is not allowed.
  8. Adding new features to existing projects is allowed. Judges will only consider new functionality introduced or new features added during the hackathon in determining the winners.
  9. Teams must stop hacking once the time is up. However, teams are allowed to fix issues in the transition process when setting up for judging and they are allowed to finish deployment of an application to a hosting platform.
  10. Projects that violate the Code of Conduct are not allowed.
  11. Teams can be disqualified from the competition at the organizers' discretion. Reasons might include but are not limited to breaking the Competition Rules, breaking the Code of Conduct, or other unsporting behaviour.

Terms and Conditions

By agreeing to these terms you are agreeing to follow all the rules and regulations set by InnovateUA, Hack Arizona, and MLH. You have already agreed to MLH Community guidelines.

Submission Voting

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