1458 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10
1458 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 10

This campaign is over.

Idea Submission Phase
starts on:
Sep 05, 2024, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 03, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Solution Submission Phase
starts on:
Nov 05, 2024, 03:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 15, 2025, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)



Congratulations to the Winners:


MOSIP Create is a flagship event and mentorship programme, initiated to support the development of innovative digital identity solutions from around the world. The initiative presents the opportunity to work closely with the makers of MOSIP, and develop a solution that could be presented to an audience of government decision makers from 30 countries across the world at a global event in 2025!

Incubated at IIIT Bangalore, MOSIP is an open-source project building Digital Public Infrastructure for countries across the globe. The ID platform and its associated modules are currently in varying stages of adoption in 25 countries across the world and has successfully registered 118+ million residents onto MOSIP-based systems. Deeply committed to the development of open-source solutions and community engagement, MOSIP works with local experts to customise and adapt technology to suit a country’s requirements. These needs are often diverse and pose unique challenges, opening up endless potential for solutions. 

MOSIP Create invites participants to identify and address unique challenges and opportunities related to national digital infrastructure, and integrate their solutions to address real-world use cases. Each of the proposed themes are developed in response to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and participants are encouraged to create solutions that align with these globally-accepted blueprints for equality and inclusion.

If you, as an individual or as a part of an organisation, are passionate about creating meaningful change through technology, we invite you to participate in MOSIP Create, develop ready-to-adopt digital identity solutions with the support of the MOSIP team, and stand a chance to present your solution to MOSIP-adopting countries!

Who is MOSIP Create for?Focused on solution development, integration, and showcasing, this event is open to subject matter experts, independent technology developers, and other organisations, both established and emerging.

Register Now to be a part of our work in empowering lives around the world, one unique ID at a time.

Note: Participants are encouraged to leverage any of MOSIP's solutions, including the core platform, Inji, and eSignet.

Submit your project now and make sure you fill in all required information.

Description of image  for a guide on project submission.


Informed by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, MOSIP Create’s themes invite solutions that address the on-ground needs of countries establishing their national digital infrastructures. We hope to find ready-for-adoption, robust projects that hold the key to unlocking wide-ranging impacts on the ground, in the lives of diverse communities around the world.

Watch this space for more details on potential integration with the MOSIP platform, and the adoption process for your solutions.

eKYC for Inclusive Identity Verification

Develop or integrate secure eKYC solutions for global identity infrastructure.

Smooth and secure Know Your Customer solutions are integral for today’s businesses. Given that most countries in the world today mandate eKYC and legally-verifiable identity, integrating your solution with eSignet ensures it will be compatible with local laws and regulations in MOSIP-adopting nations.

Financial Inclusion through Digital Identity

Leverage digital identity to expand universal access to financial services.

Digital banking has brought the world to the cusp of bringing banks into individuals’ homes. MOSIP’s eSignet, Authentication API, and Inji stack have the potential to bring MOSIP-adopting countries closer to a place where all residents, without exception, have access to financial services, including banking, loans, and insurance. MOSIP envisions inclusive financial solutions, with both assisted and unassisted modes, with inclusion as a priority. Integrate with MOSIP to help make this dream a reality.

Emergency Relief Systems Enhancement

Improve the delivery of social services or benefits via digital identity and/or its solutions.

Every significant right and service for residents first requires rapid and efficient social benefits delivery systems. From government scholarships to disaster and emergency relief, identity verification assures the timely delivery of services to the intended beneficiary. MOSIP’s foundational and scalable ID verification and authentication systems eliminate the challenges around multiple siloed systems. Your solution could be a part of enabling the timely generation of registries, ensuring support and relief to residents who need it.

Credential Facilitation for Empowerment

Innovate solutions linked to digital identity and/or MOSIP’s credentialing solutions.

It is still a very real challenge in the world today that several residents in a country are excluded from the formal economy as a result of reliance on paper-based credentials that cannot be digitally verified. MOSIP’s Inji stack, based on W3C verifiable credentials, are designed to close this gap, allowing the digitisation, storage, and easy sharing of digitally-verifiable credentials. Your solution could empower individuals to join and participate in the growing digital economy.


Main Prizes
Showcase your Solution to a Global Audience at MOSIP Connect 2025

Selected team(s) will have the unique opportunity to present their solutions at MOSIP Connect 2025 in Manila, Philippines – a prestigious event with representatives from over 30 countries. This offers significant international visibility, recognition, and opportunities for further development in collaboration with MOSIP and its partners.

Display at MOSIP’s Experience Center and Marketplace

Winning team(s) will have their solutions featured at MOSIP’s Experience Center at IIIT Bangalore and the MOSIP Marketplace. This exposure to delegates and partner countries can lead to valuable collaboration and growth opportunities.

Collaborate with International Organisations and Countries

MOSIP will facilitate the engagement with global organisations and stakeholders, providing selected team(s) with opportunities for real-world implementation and collaboration with countries.


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