Hospital Of The Future

497 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
497 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
May 14, 2021, 05:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 27, 2021, 04:55 AM UTC (UTC)

For Kids By Kids

For Kids by Kids is a special category exclusively for kids (anyone under 18) to animate patient journeys at Texas Childrens Hospital through Scratch code!

This is a unique opportunity to gain the perspective of kids for the future pediatric patients, while also providing a special project for aspiring software engineers, developers, and data scientists!

Examples of patient journeys might include “going to see the pediatrician” or “what to expect when you are having surgery/MRI.” Scratch is a free visual programming language designed to teach kids how to code through drag and drop blocks of code. It can be used to build animations, games, and simulations

You can find some reference illustrations here

Get Started and work with Scratch here:

Here are some example patient Journeys:

Once you’re on the Scratch page, please click on “Start Creating” to get started!

enter image description here

Here’s an example of getting started with a Scratch app, where the animation we’re building is to illustrate “walking into Texas Children’s Hospital Austin from the parking lot.”

enter image description here

Built live from the ground up and narrated by Bradley (Age 9) and Lexi (Age 7) of Austin, TX, this is an example waiting room animation built in Scratch for the "For Kids by Kids" category in the Texas Children's Healthcare Hackathon (May 14-24, 2021).

Once you’re done with your animation, please send over a recording of your animation and/or any Scratch code you’d like to share (and definitely feel free to work with adult to submit this!)!

Animations will be shared with our community at Texas Children’s Austin and displayed in the hospital!

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