Bob and Alice plays a game. Given are N piles with heights represented by an array A. Both players play alternatively. .
Each player will reduce the height of any pile ( with a non zero height ) by at least 1 on his turn. (A player can reduce height of any pile minimum to zero). Player which is unable to reduce height of any pile loses the game
Alice plays first, can you tell the number of subsets of A with which if the game is played, then it is sure that Bob will win if both the players play optimally.
As number of subsets can be large, output answer modulo 109+7. Empty Set should be considered in answer
Input format
Output format
Print number of subsets of A modulo 109+7, with which Bob will win surely.
Out of 8 subsets of the array i.e. [2],[2],[2],[2,2],[2,2],[2,2],[2,2,2] and empty set.
For subset [2,2],[2,2],[2,2] and empty set Bob is sure to win , if played optimally. Thus, required answer is 4.