Little Shino and K Ancestor


19 votes
Algorithms, Depth First Search, Easy, Graphs

Assume that you are given an undirected rooted tree with N nodes and an integer K. Node 1 is the root of the tree. Each node is uniquely numbered from 1 to N. Additionally, each node also has a color and the color is an integer value.

Note: Different nodes can have the same color.

For each node, you are required to find the Kth closest ancestor from that node which has the same color.

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Input Format:
The first line consists of two integers, denoting N and K (1N,K106). The second line is an array A of length N, represented as space separated integers. Here Ai (1Ai106) is the color-value of ith node in the tree. This is followed by N1 lines comprising of two space separated integers x and y, which denotes that there is an edge between nodes that are numbered x and y.

Output Format:
Print N space separated integers, where ith integer denotes the Kth closest ancestor from ith node which has the same color. If no such ancestor exists, print 1.

Time Limit: 2
Memory Limit: 512
Source Limit:

Node 1, 3 and 5 do not have any ancestor with the same color. Node 2 has only one ancestor (Node 1) with the same color. Node 4 has two ancestors (Node 1 and Node 2) with the same color. For node 4, the 2nd closest ancestor is 1.

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