Power Game


2 votes
Graphs, Algorithms, Graph Representation

Sam and Andrea are playing a game today. On a paper, there is a connected graph drawn with \(N\) vertices and \(M\) edges. Every edge has a power assigned to it denoted by an array \(A[i]\).

In every turn, Sam & Andrea have to perform the following one by one:

  • Pick an edge which if removed will increase the number of connected components in graph.
  • Add the power of the edge picked above to the score.

If everyone played optimally, find the maximum & minimum score Sam can have if he start's the game first or second.

Input Format:

  • First line contains two space-separated integers \(N\) and \(M\)
  • Next line contains \(M\) space separated integers denoting the array \(A\).
  • Next \(M\) lines containts two space-separated integers denoting an edge.

Output Format:

Print two space-separated integers denoting the maximum & minimum score Sam can have in the game.


\(1 \le N, M \le 10^5 \\ 1 \le A[i] \le 10^6\)

Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

Sam plays first

  • Sam picks edge 1-2 and Andrea picks edge 2-3.
  • Sam score is 10.

Sam plays second

  • Andrea picks edge 1-2 and Sam picks edge 2-3.
  • Sam score is 5.
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