Minimize the delivery time


18 votes
Graph, Hard, Algorithms, Shortest path problem

Problem updated (please see Output section)

A company aimed at becoming the first company that solved the MDT problem for factories and restaurants. The MDT problem is easy to explain in an undirected connected graph. Find k vertex-disjoint (excluding 1, n that will appear in every path) simple paths from 1 to n. If the maximum length of these paths is denoted by M, then minimize Mk.

Input format

  • First line: Two space-separated integers n (1n100 000) and m (1m300 000)
  • Next m lines: Contains the edges, one edge per line

Output format

  • First line: Print k (k>0) denoting the number of paths
  • Next line: Print k lines (one path per line)
  • For each path, print the number of edges on it and then print the edges in the order.

Verdict, scoring, and test generation plan

You can find all the information here.

Time Limit: 3
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:


Note that choosing k=1 and paths={{10}} will obtain a less score (7027) which is better.

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