A good array


9 votes
Greedy Algorithms, Algorithms, Basics of Greedy Algorithms, Greedy algorithm

You are given an array A which consists of N elements. Each element of array is either zero or one. Your task is to convert the given array into a good array with a minimum cost.

Good array: In a good array, select any subarray of even length M and the sum of elements in the subarray will be M/2.

In order to transform an array to good array, you can perform the following two operations as many times as you want:

  1.  Choose any index 1iN and if it is currently 0, then convert it to 1 for X coins.
  2.  Choose any index 1iN and if it is currently 1, then convert it to 0 for Y coins.

Your task is to minimize the cost of transformation of an array to good array.

Input format

  • The first line contains T denoting the number of test cases.
  • The first line of each test case contains three space-separated integers N, X, and Y.
  • The second line of each test case consists of N space-separated integers of array A.

Output format

For each test case, print one line denoting the minimum cost to transform array A into a good array.






Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

First test case: Array is [1,1], there is only one subarray which is of even length (2), i.e. complete subarray [1,1], it is not good array because for a subarray of size M i.e 2 in our case, sum must be M/2 i.e 1. But sum is 2 for this subarray, so this does not follow property of good subarray.
So here we need convert array to either [1,0] or [0,1], cost is 1 in either case.

Second test case: Array is [0,1], there is only one subarray which is of even length (2), i.e. complete subarray [0,1], it is  good array because for a subarray of size M i.e 2 in our case, sum must be M/2 i.e 1. Here sum is 2 for this subarray, so this does  follow property of good subarray.
So we don't need to perform any operation.

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