You are given an array A which consists of N elements. Each element of array is either zero or one. Your task is to convert the given array into a good array with a minimum cost.
Good array: In a good array, select any subarray of even length M and the sum of elements in the subarray will be M/2.
In order to transform an array to good array, you can perform the following two operations as many times as you want:
Your task is to minimize the cost of transformation of an array to good array.
Input format
Output format
For each test case, print one line denoting the minimum cost to transform array A into a good array.
First test case: Array is [1,1], there is only one subarray which is of even length (2), i.e. complete subarray [1,1], it is not good array because for a subarray of size M i.e 2 in our case, sum must be M/2 i.e 1. But sum is 2 for this subarray, so this does not follow property of good subarray.
So here we need convert array to either [1,0] or [0,1], cost is 1 in either case.
Second test case: Array is [0,1], there is only one subarray which is of even length (2), i.e. complete subarray [0,1], it is good array because for a subarray of size M i.e 2 in our case, sum must be M/2 i.e 1. Here sum is 2 for this subarray, so this does follow property of good subarray.
So we don't need to perform any operation.