Note: This is an approximate problem. There is no exact solution. You must find the most optimal solution. Please, take a look at the sample explanation to ensure that you understand the problem correctly.
Problem statement
Given an array A of N integers. We need to decompose A into K consecutive non empty subarrays such that every integer is present in only one subarray.
Say subarrays are S[1], S[2], S[3], .... , S[K]. Choose an array B , which is a permutation of 1 to K i.e. it is of size K and include every element from 1 to K.
Now, form a new array V = S[B[1]] + S[B[2]] + ...... + S[B[K]].
Aim is to maximize X for array V.
Input format
Output format
Verdict and scoring
Your score is equal to the sum of the values of all test files. The value of each test file is equal to the value of X that you found.
If decomposition of array A is invalid, or array B is invalid you will receive a wrong answer verdict.
Sample Test is for understanding purpose. Constraints in test files are as mentioned above.