Consider the following function:
\( F(X) \) = Number of divisors of integer X
You are given an array that consists of \(N\) integers. You are also provided \(M\) queries. There can be only one type of query, \(query(l,r)\). You are required to determine the product of all the numbers in the range from \(l\) to \(r\). The output can contain the values of \(l\) and \(r\). Your task is to print the result of function \(F(X)\) mod \(10^9 +7 \) for that product.
Input format
Output format
For each query, you are required to print a single number denoting the answer to that query mod \(10^9 +7\).
\( 1\le N \le 5\times10^5 \)
\(1 \le M \le 4\times10^5 \)
\( 1 \le l \le r \le N \)
\( 1 \le a[i] \le 10 \)
Note: Each element of the array cannot contain a value that is greater than \(10\).
For the 1st query, the product is 2 , F(2)=2. For the second query , product=720 , F(720)=30.