The Selection sort algorithm is based on the idea of finding the minimum or maximum element in an unsorted array and then putting it in its correct position in a sorted array.
Assume that the array $$A=[7,5,4,2]$$ needs to be sorted in ascending order.
The minimum element in the array i.e. $$2$$ is searched for and then swapped with the element that is currently located at the first position, i.e. $$7$$. Now the minimum element in the remaining unsorted array is searched for and put in the second position, and so on.
Let’s take a look at the implementation.
void selection_sort (int A[ ], int n) {
// temporary variable to store the position of minimum element
int minimum;
// reduces the effective size of the array by one in each iteration.
for(int i = 0; i < n-1 ; i++) {
// assuming the first element to be the minimum of the unsorted array .
minimum = i ;
// gives the effective size of the unsorted array .
for(int j = i+1; j < n ; j++ ) {
if(A[ j ] < A[ minimum ]) { //finds the minimum element
minimum = j ;
// putting minimum element on its proper position.
swap ( A[ minimum ], A[ i ]) ;
At $$i^{th}$$ iteration, elements from position $$0$$ to $$i-1$$ will be sorted.
Time Complexity:
To find the minimum element from the array of $$N$$ elements, $$N-1$$ comparisons are required. After putting the minimum element in its proper position, the size of an unsorted array reduces to $$N-1$$ and then $$N-2$$ comparisons are required to find the minimum in the unsorted array.
Therefore $$(N-1)$$ + $$(N-2 )$$ + $$.......$$ + $$1$$ = $$( N \cdot (N-1) ) / 2$$ comparisons and $$N$$ swaps result in the overall complexity of $$O( N^2 )$$.