Dexter has recently constructed a random generator. This generator works on a tree of N nodes. The information about the tree has to be fed into the generator in order for it to start working.
Each node, u of the tree has a value \(A[u]\) associated with it. The generator works as follows:
It takes as input two integers, u and v. It then outputs two integers X and Y. X can be either \(A[u]\) or \(A[v]\), with equal probability. Now, the generator selects a node i randomly and with equal probability from the path \(u-v\) (including u and v) in the tree and outputs the value of Y as \(A[i]\).
Let the above process be denoted by: \(Process(u,v)\), which takes input a pair of integers and outputs a pair of integers \((X,Y)\).
Now, Hannah has been invited to test the random generator constructed by Dexter. Hannah has Q questions. Each question is as follows:
Hannah selects two nodes u and v of the tree. She wants to know the maximum value of \(Query(u,v)\).
\(Query(u,v)\) is defined below:
(X1,Y1) = Process(u,v)
(X2,Y2) = Process(u,v)
A = X1 ^ Y1
B = X2 ^ Y2
return abs(A-B)
\(^\) denotes the bitwise exclusive or operator.Dexter needs your help in answering the questions of Hannah.
First line of the input contains two integers N and Q, the number of nodes in the tree and the number of questions that Hannah asks from Dexter, respectively.
Next line contains N space separated positive integers, where i\(th\) integer denotes the value at i\(th\) node, i.e., \(A[i]\).
Next \(N-1\) lines describe the structure of the tree. Each of these lines contain two space separated integers p and q. There is an undirected edge between p and q.
Next Q lines, each line denoting a question from Hannah, which contains two space separated integers u and v, which means that Hannah has chosen these two nodes for that query.
You are supposed to output Q lines. The i\(th\) line contains the answer for the i\(th\) query.
\(1 \le N \le 10\)5
\(1 \le Q \le 10\)5
\(1 \le A[i] \le 10\)9
\(1 \le p , q \le N\)
\(1 \le u , v \le N\)
For the first query, path is from node 4 to node 5.
For the query, if \((X1,Y1) = (4,3)\) and \((X2,Y2) = (5,5)\). The output of \(Query(4,5)\) is 7. It can be verified that 7 is the maximum for all such possible queries.
Similarly, the maximum possible value of \(Query(2,3)\) comes out to be 3.