Dexter's Random Generator


3 votes
Approved, Circuits, Data Structures, Medium, Tries

Dexter has recently constructed a random generator. This generator works on a tree of N nodes. The information about the tree has to be fed into the generator in order for it to start working.

Each node, u of the tree has a value \(A[u]\) associated with it. The generator works as follows:

It takes as input two integers, u and v. It then outputs two integers X and Y. X can be either \(A[u]\) or \(A[v]\), with equal probability. Now, the generator selects a node i randomly and with equal probability from the path \(u-v\) (including u and v) in the tree and outputs the value of Y as \(A[i]\).

Let the above process be denoted by: \(Process(u,v)\), which takes input a pair of integers and outputs a pair of integers \((X,Y)\).

Now, Hannah has been invited to test the random generator constructed by Dexter. Hannah has Q questions. Each question is as follows:

Hannah selects two nodes u and v of the tree. She wants to know the maximum value of \(Query(u,v)\).

\(Query(u,v)\) is defined below:

    (X1,Y1) = Process(u,v)
    (X2,Y2) = Process(u,v)
    A = X1 ^ Y1
    B = X2 ^ Y2
    return abs(A-B)
\(^\) denotes the bitwise exclusive or operator.
Also note that \(Process(u,v)\) runs for \((X1,Y1)\) and \((X2,Y2)\) independent of each other.

Dexter needs your help in answering the questions of Hannah.


First line of the input contains two integers N and Q, the number of nodes in the tree and the number of questions that Hannah asks from Dexter, respectively.
Next line contains N space separated positive integers, where i\(th\) integer denotes the value at i\(th\) node, i.e., \(A[i]\).
Next \(N-1\) lines describe the structure of the tree. Each of these lines contain two space separated integers p and q. There is an undirected edge between p and q.
Next Q lines, each line denoting a question from Hannah, which contains two space separated integers u and v, which means that Hannah has chosen these two nodes for that query.


You are supposed to output Q lines. The i\(th\) line contains the answer for the i\(th\) query.


\(1 \le N \le 10\)5
\(1 \le Q \le 10\)5
\(1 \le A[i] \le 10\)9
\(1 \le p , q \le N\)
\(1 \le u , v \le N\)

Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 512
Source Limit:

For the first query, path is from node 4 to node 5.
For the query, if \((X1,Y1) = (4,3)\) and \((X2,Y2) = (5,5)\). The output of \(Query(4,5)\) is 7. It can be verified that 7 is the maximum for all such possible queries.

Similarly, the maximum possible value of \(Query(2,3)\) comes out to be 3.

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