Saraff is a nasty guy. He tries his best to mock poor Killjee. Today he has an evil plan to mock killjee, He has prepared a ridiculous list and ask Killjee how many distinct positive integers this list has.
To prepare a list Saraff first make all permutations of 1,2,3,___,n.Then appends magic value of every pair of permutation into the list.
Magic value of a pair of permutation A and B is n∑i=1|Ai−Bi|.
Given N find number of distinct positive numbers in Saraff's list to help Killjee.
First line of input contains a single integer T, denoting number of test cases. T lines follow each containing a single integer N.
For each test case print number of distinct positive number Saraff's list contain.
Permutations of (1,2) are (1,2) and (2,1). Saraff's list will contain 0 and 2.