Maximum operations


49 votes
Basic Programming, Bit Manipulation, Bit manipulation, Math

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as F[n]=F[n1]+F[n2]. You have developed two sequences of numbers. The first sequence that uses the XOR operation instead of the addition method is called the Xoronacci number. It is described as follows:

The second sequence that uses the XNOR operation instead of the addition method is called the XNoronacci number. It is described as follows:

The first and second numbers of the sequence are as follows:


You have also defined the following constraint:

The minimum number of bits that that is used while representing the ith term must be greater than equal to 3. It must be equal to the minimum number of bits that is required while respresenting the maximum pair (first number, second number) of the respective sequences.


Your task is to determine the value of max(X(n),E(n)).

Input format

  • First line: t denoting the number of test cases
  • Next t lines: Three integers a, b, and n

Output format

Print a single integer for each test case.


1T1050a, b, n1012

Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

For First Test Case


Ist sequence  elements are                  3       4       7

IInd sequence elements are                 3       4       0


hence max(E(2),X(2))=4

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