Alice was given two 4 x 4 binary grids, A and B. She wants to convert grid A to B. She can perform any of the following operations any number of times on grid A (she can't modify B):
Output the minimum number of moves that Alice needs to convert A to B, or −1 if it is impossible to make both grids equal.
The first 4 lines of the input each contain a string of length 4 - denoting the rows in grid A, each character in the string is either 0 or 1.
The next line is an empty line.
The remaining 4 lines of the input each contain a string of length 4 - denoting the rows in grid B, each character in the string is either 0 or 1.
The first and only line of the output should contain the minimum number of operations Alice needs to convert grid A to B, or −1 if it's impossible to do so, using the operations in the statement.
One possible sequence of operations that converts the first grid to the second grid is:
Flipping A clockwise, and then flipping the first row of A.
You cannot convert A to B in less than 2 operations.