Garg is desperate for CGPA. His new teacher PK gives an assignment everyday.The marks assigned for the assignment on ith day is given as a[i]. Since PK likes garg he will award full marks if garg assigns the assignment.Since garg wants highest marks he tries to submit as many assignments as possible.Garg also has a girlfriend. He cant meet his girlfriend if he is busy writing the assignment on the ith day. If he wont meet his girlfriend atleast once in k+1 consecutive days she will leave him. Help garg to save his girlfriend and to attain maximum marks possible.
Input: First line contains a single integer T denoting number of test cases. In each test case first line contains two integers n and k,seperated by a space which represent number of days and k as mentioned above respectively. Then n lines follow.In each line there is a single integer.The integer on ith line represents a[i].
Output: For each test case print the required answer in a seperate line.
Problem Setter:-
Teja Vojjala
Problem Tester:-
Shivam Garg
In first test case garg can meet his girlfriend on 1st day and do his assignments on 2nd and 3rd day.