Policemen and thieves


108 votes
Algorithms, Approved, Grammar-Verified, Medium, Open, Ready, Recruit, Searching, Two pointer

You are given a grid of size N×N that has the following specifications:

  • Each cell in the grid contains either a policeman or a thief.
  • A policeman can only catch a thief if both of them are in the same row.
  • Each policeman can only catch one thief.
  • A policeman cannot catch a thief who is more than K units away from the policeman.

Write a program to find the maximum number of thieves that can be caught in the grid.

Input format

  • First line: T (number of test cases)
    For each test case
  • First line: Two space-separated integers N and K
  • Next N lines: N space-separated characters (denoting each cell in the grid)

Output format

For each test case, print the maximum number of thieves that can be caught in the grid.



Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

Total Thieves = 5
Number of thieves reachable by policemen in Row 1 = 1
Number of thieves reachable by policemen in Row 2 = 2
Number of thieves reachable by policemen in Row 3 = 1
However, one policeman can catch at most 1 thief. Hence, in Row 2, only 1 thief is catchable.
Therefore, the 3 thieves can be caught.

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