You are given two strings and that consist of lower case Latin letters and both strings contain single '?'. You need to replace '?' with some lower case Latin letter in both strings not necessarily the same.
After that, you can apply the following operation on any number of times:
Your task is to determine if it is possible to make equal to if you replace '?' with a lower case Latin letter and apply the mentioned operation on any number of times.
Input format
Output format
For each test case, print a single line. If possible to make equal to , then print 'YES' else 'NO' without quotes.
The sum of lengths of string in all test cases does not exceed 500000.
Strings and contain exactly one '?' and lower case Latin letters.
In first sample we can replace '?' in both strings with any character but it must be same.
In second sample we can make S="aaba" and T="abaa" and now we can swap second 'a' and only 'b' in S.
In third sample there is no way to do it.