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Oddie and Evenie


1 votes
Easy, Simple-math

A number is said to Oddie, if this number is multiple of two odd numbers say X and Y such that X > 1 and Y > 1.

Similarly, a number is Evenie, if this number is multiple of two even numbers.

Now given a number you have to tell whether the number is Oddie or Evenie.

If a number is neither a Oddie nor a Evenie, then print -1.

Note: Let the given number be N. If X and Y are selected numbers such that X * Y = N, then X > 1 and Y > 1 must hold.

Input format:

First line consist of number of testcases T.

Each of the next T lines consist of a number.

Output format:

For a given number, output whether it is Oddie or Evenie. If it is none of them, output -1;


1 <= T <= 10^6

1 <= number <= 10^6

Time Limit: 3
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

In first test case, 15 can be written as multiple of 3 and 5, so Oddie.

In second test case, 8 can be written as multiple of 2 and 4, so Evenie.

In third test case, 7 can only be written as multiple of 1 and 7, but here as both numbers should be greater than 1, so this is not valid. So output is -1.

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