Saul Goodman - The Criminal Lawyer


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Medium, Easy-Medium

Here comes our favorite, Saul Goodman! He was given a case, to rescue a guy from a court case who was accused of multiple crimes. As we know, There is no better place to go other than Saul Goodman.

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"Did you not plan for this contingency? I mean the Starship Enterprise had a self-destruct button. I'm just saying."

Now, Saul is a master at his work. So he was offered a lot of cash. There were only 2 types of notes in the suitcase, 50$ & 100$ notes. n notes of 50$ and m notes of 100$ are available.

Saul had infinite number of different boxes to store his cash. The boxes were labelled 1,2,3,4.... and so on. The labels signified the capacity of the boxes. e.g. a box with capacity 1 can hold only 1 note, a box with capacity 2 can hold only 2 notes, and so on. To avoid mixing, Saul wants to keep only one type of note in each box, i.e a box with label 3 can contain either 3 50$ notes or 3 100$ notes.

Saul starts filling the boxes with the box labelled as 1 and continues the process of filling the boxes with cash & he can't skip over any box. He needs to maximize the number of filled boxes. Help him in finding the number of ways to do that.


First line contains an integer T denoting the number of test case(s). T lines follows, each containing two space separated integers n and m.


For each test case output the answer modulo 109+7 in separate line.


  • 1 ≤ T ≤ 10
  • 0 ≤ n,m ≤ 104
  • m+n>=1
Time Limit: 0.5
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

There are 4 50$ notes, 6 100$ notes. Boxes are 1,2,3,4...

There are two possible ways-

  1. In 1st box, Saul puts 1 50$ notes, In 2nd box he puts 2 100$ notes, In 3rd box he puts 3 50$ notes & in 4th he puts 4 100$ notes.
  2. In 1st box, Saul puts 1 100$ notes, In 2nd box he puts 2 100$ notes, In 3rd box he puts 3 100$ notes & in 4th he puts 4 50$ notes.

So the answer is 2.

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