It is known that the string s contains only lowercase English characters. Also, the string t contains lowercase English characters and digit characters. You can replace each digit character of t by a substring consisting of lowercase English characters. Note that the length of such a substring should be not greater than the digit value.
For example, if string t = “a22fg”, then you can replace the two “2”’s by “bc” and “de”, respectively. So t can be transformed into “abcdefg”.
Determine if the string t can be transformed into the string s or not.
The lengths of the string s and t are n and m, respectively.
Input Format
The first line contains two integers n, m —- the lengths of s and t, respectively.
The second line contains a string s of length n.
The third line contains a string t of length m.
Output Format
In the first testcase, you can replace the digit character "9" of t by "abcd", because the length of "abcd" is less than 9.
In the second testcase, there is no way to transform the string t into s.