Subtree Query


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Algorithms, C++, Graph Representation, Graphs

Given a tree with N nodes, rooted at node 1. Every node of tree has a value associated with it denoted by an array A.

We perform Q queries of following 2 types on tree:

  • 1 u : Output the sum of values of all the nodes in subtree of u including u.
  • 2 u p : For all the nodes in subtree of u including u, perform Bitwise XOR operation of their value with p. That mean Ai=Aip where i will be the node in subtree of u including u (where  denotes the Bitwise XOR operator).

Find the output for all the queries of type 1.

Input format

  • First line contains N denoting the number of nodes in the tree.
  • Next N1 lines contain two space-separated integers uv denoting an edge between node u and v.
  • Next line has N space separated integers denoting the array A
  • Next line contains Q denoting the number of queries.
  • Next Q lines contain description of queries.

It is guaranteed that there will be at least one query of type 1.

Output format

For each query of type 1 print a single integer denoting the answer to that query in a separate line.




Time Limit: 2
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:
  • For the first query we will do the operation of type 2 so value of A[4]=44=0.
  • For the second query we will do the operation of type 1 so answer =A[2]+A[4]+A[5]=2+0+5=7.
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