You are given a function f(n,k)=∑s=ns=0∑r=nr=s∑t=st=0(nr)(rs)(st)t(3k2)t/2I(t)(s+1)
where I(x)={1x≡0 (mod 4)0x≡1 (mod 4)−1x≡2 (mod 4)0x≡3 (mod 4)
and (nr) known as Binomial Coefficient denotes the number of ways to choose an unordered subset of r elements from a fixed set of n elements.
You must find the value of f(n,k) (modulo 109+21).
Integers n and k are given to you.
Input format
Output format
The output should consist of T lines each containing a single integer corresponding to the required value f(n,k).
Print the answer modulo 109+21. If the answer is of the form PQ, then print PQ−1(mod 109+21).
For the first test case: f(1,2) = 0
For the second test case: f(2,1) = -2
For the third test case: f(3,1) = -6-6-9/2 = -33/2
For the fourth test case: f(5,3) = 4464