Utkarsh and Tiresome RMQ


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Algorithms, Approved, Hard, Sqrt-Decomposition

Utkarsh loves finding maximum integers in a given sequence. But this love is not always accompanied with proper knowledge. His teacher once gave him a homework problem and due to his poor knowledge he was not able to solve it. Its 6 in the morning and he has just 2 hours left to solve the problem. Can you help him solve the problem.

He was given an array A consisting of N integers and integers B and M. He had to answer Q queries. Each query is of the form
\(x\space y\) : Print the maximum integer among {\(A_x +B,\space A_{x-y} +2B, \space A_{x-2y} +3B,..., \space A_{x-(M-1)y} +MB \)}

First line contains four integers \(N, Q, B, M\).
Second line contains N integers of array A.
Next Q lines describe Q queries in the form \(x\space y\).

Print the answer to each query.

\(1 ≤ N,Q,M ≤ 10^5\)
\(-10^9 ≤ A_i\space, B ≤ 10^9\)
\(1 ≤ x,y ≤N\)

Note: Array A is 1-indexed. Do not consider elements in the list if corresponding index in array is non-positive, i.e., do not consider \(A_{x - (i-1)\times y} + iB \) if \( (x - (i-1)\times y) ≤ 0 \)

Time Limit: 2
Memory Limit: 512
Source Limit:

The list of integers for each query: maximum

  1. {4+3} : 7
  2. {8+3, 4+6}: 11
  3. {7+3, 8+6, 4+9}:14
  4. {4+3, 8+6}: 14
  5. {1+3, 8+6}: 14
  6. {10+3, 1+6, 4+9}: 13
  7. {1+3, 1+6, 7+9} : 16
  8. {12+3, 1+6, 10+9}: 19

(Note that in some lists less than three elements are considered because their corresponding array index is non positive)

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