You are given an array A of even length N consisting of non-negative integers. You need to make each element of the array equal to zero, by doing some number of moves (possibly zero).
In a single move, you can choose two integers, l and r, so 1≤l≤r≤N. Let x=A[l]⊕A[l+1]⊕A[l+2]...A[r], where ⊕ represents xor operator. Then, replace the whole subarray with x. In other words, assign A[i]=x for l≤i≤r.
Print the minimum number of moves required to make the entire array zero.
Input format
Output format
Output a single integer – the answer.
take l=1,r=2 and 2⊕2=0. So, assign A[1]=0 and A[2]=0.