Find the Next!


11 votes
Algorithms, Arrays, Binary tree, Easy, Hash Maps, Implementation, One-dimensional, Quick Sort, Sorting

You are given an array A of length N. For any given integer X, you need to find an integer Z strictly greater than X such that Z is not present in the array A. You need to minimise the value of Z.

Input format :

  • First line : Two space seperated integers N and Q denoting the number of elements in array A and the number of queries respectively
  • Second line  : N space seperated integers denoting the array elements
  • Next Q lines : Each line consists of an integer X

Output fomat :

  • Print Q lines, each line denoting the answer to the corresponding query.

Constraints :

  • 1N,Q105
  • 1Ai,X109
Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:

For the first query, the minimum element greater than 3 and not present in the given array is 4. Similarly, for the second query, the answer is 10.

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